Good News! I felt motivated this morning to do all of my prescribed morning exercise routine. i know it is very important to keep all of my joints supple and useful! Again thanks to the advice and encouragement from good folks on hits website.
Morning Exercise: Good News! I felt motivated... - Pain Concern
Morning Exercise

Well done, keep it up! It's amazing how much exercise can help reduce pain.
I am of the over do it variety. And pay for it a day latter. So.
Slowly slowly catch ye monkey.
It has taken me years to learn that. It was the novel idea of a pretty note book and an exercise diary that finally hammered it home.
Good luck.
Mark Twain the author said: "All my friends died of exercise". Exercise and doing it may make one feel that they are doing something constructive even when they are damaging themselves.
When one is doing exercise one needs to study how are the joints supposed to move. How do the muscles work. When I put my pants/knickers on in the morning what am I doing with my back?
True exercise is about moving the body the way the body is designed to move. This requires study preferably with someone who can help you discover faulty movement patterns which can cause damage. It is said that it is easier to see the mote of dust in someone elses eye than the plank in your own. I rely quite heavily on someone else pointing out the mistakes in the way I move. Habit is what one does without thinking.
I have been doing Alexander Technique for more than 35 years. I have taught T'ai Chi.