Newbie!: Hey! I'm new to this blog :) I'm... - Pain Concern

Pain Concern

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charlie_red profile image
25 Replies


I'm new to this blog :) I'm 22 and from Glasgow and I suffer from 'chronic pain', mostly in my neck, shoulder and back. I've just start my Masters at Uni so busy trying to keep up with everything!

Charlie x

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charlie_red profile image
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25 Replies
hamble99b profile image

hi charlie, sorry you're in pain, but glad you've joined us.

my niece has just finished her masters so I recognise the workload you've taken on. just remember to pace yourself and good luck!



charlie_red profile image
charlie_red in reply to hamble99b

Hey Sandra,

Thanks for your message. Yeah I'm trying hard with the pacing, it's hard tho because I have so much to do in one week!

Hope your having a nice weekend :)

C x

tettridge profile image

Welcome to the blog, hope you can find something of use even if it the realisation that you are not alone with Chronic pain. As Sandra99b says pacing yourself is one of the best bits of advice you will ever get so all you need to do is find your limits and do not push yourself to go over them (easier said than done unfortunately)

Kindest regards


charlie_red profile image
charlie_red in reply to tettridge

Hi Terry,

I'm so glad that I've found this blog, it has helped so much already, it's good to know what everyone has tried and tested! I'm trying my hardest with limiting and pacing myself, still trying to get it right but sure I'll get there soon :)

C xx

JC69 profile image

hi charlie , welcome - im a newbie too . I can relate re your areas of pain - unfortunately I am no longer 22 though ;) . However like you I have been CP has been a problem from round your age - I am now 43. Ive never done a Degree but like anything 'we' do pacing yourself s def necessary as said by others. I would recommend though also speaking to the Uni to see if they can help. I was going to go to Uni a few yrs back and they offered alot of help - someone to help with note taking , a special chair to help my back and also purchasing a 'Voice Recognition' program for my pc to help essay writing easier and less of a problem for my shoulders especially - and all this fora part time course !!! Hope this helps a bit and you get what you need from this site - ie , support and knowing you're not alone with your pain.

Good luck,


charlie_red profile image
charlie_red in reply to JC69

Hi Jane,

Thank you for your message. I have had a meeting with my University last week and they have submitted an application to the Disabled Student Allowance suggesting that I get a new lightweight laptop and some computer programmes to help. I already have a voice recognition programme which is so helpful, especially with big essays!

Hope your having a good weekend :)

C xx

JC69 profile image
JC69 in reply to charlie_red

Hiya C ,

Thats good news then and fingers crossed (pain permitting ;) ) they can help you out. I'm not having the best w/e , pain levels are way up but I pushe through it to do some essential retail therapy :) . I know it'l pass but it's a bugget while it's happening .

Oh well I was told tere are 3 rules in life -

Rule 1 ) s**t happens

Rule 2 ) s**t happens on a regular basis &

Rule 3 ) get used to rules 1 & 2 :) .

I love that . Take care x J

Welcome aboard the rollercoaster we call chronic pain. We scoot along at varying speeds, steady and sure on the upward run but not quite sure we will make it over the peaks, there's a short hesitation almost stopping, so admire the view and bask in the glory of your achievements because as with the nature of chronic pain you hurtle into the valleys with assured regularity and increasing speed. These are short lived and give a different perspective on life, before momentum starts the steady climb again.

Yes, talk to Uni to get all the help you need, good luck.

charlie_red profile image
charlie_red in reply to


Thanks for you message, it's encouraging :)

C xx

superannie profile image

Welcome to this brilliant blog. I am a neewbie too. Today is going to be a pain free day for me. I will be in pain but am not going to utter one word about it! I think my partner must find me a bit of a pain as it is the main topic of my conversation lately, so wish me well Ann

hamble99b profile image
hamble99b in reply to superannie

I have "days off" too. on these days

* I'm not in too much pain to get up - I'm having a lie in/lazy day.

* it's not that I can't get dressed - I'm having a pyjama day.

* it's not that I can't go out - I'm on a day's holiday, I'm having a lounge around.

* it's not that I can't remember what shopping to buy - I'm window shopping.

* it's not that I can't do things - I'm on my day off and don't have to do ANYTHING!

I can do it again tomorrow if I want.



superannie profile image
superannie in reply to hamble99b

So true, starting to get the hang of how to handle this total onslaught! Appt at Spinal clinic Tuesday so hope to get some answers there. Will keep you up to date on this. Think I have to go to the home page to make a comment. Must say, not one word of the P--n today! Stay well, cheers

charlie_red profile image
charlie_red in reply to superannie

Hey! Good luck with the spinal clinic, hopefully they will give you some answers :)

C xx

charlie_red profile image
charlie_red in reply to hamble99b

This is so true and such a positive way to look at things :)!

C x

charlie_red profile image
charlie_red in reply to superannie

Hi Ann,

Thank you, I'm so glad that I found the blog! This is exactly what I do too, I feel like I mention my pain in every second sentence, it's hard not talking or mentioning it because it's always there! Good luck :)!

C xx

I don't mention the word pain, I've given them names. Del and Rodney are in my buttocks, so named because they have a mate called trigger - this is the source of my main trigger pain. My knees are Ant and Dec cos they are cheeky and my knee pain's a bit cheeky - it doesn't seem to have any triggers. And my neck pain is Doris.

Sandra, thats so true. I have one, I'm not having a lie in, I'm doing admin. Lucky for me my bed is one of the few spots in the house I can pick up the wifi on my tablet. It works well for me, my partner is up and out the house by 6.30 am, I never get back to sleep, so I do my business admin, answer emails, orders, accounts etc before I get up. Sometimes I need a bit of time to get up and ready, but as I don't start work til 10 am, I have plenty time knowing that I can get straight to work as all the admin has been done for the day.

Before I did this I wasn't starting work until 1 or 2 pm. Now I can finish a bit earlier and potter around the house, or pop to the shops.

Its weird to outsiders but works for me.

charlie_red profile image
charlie_red in reply to

Hi Zanna,

This is such a good way to look at things! That's a great idea to up and get things done nice and early, it will give you the rest of the day to have some 'you' time and do something you enjoy.

I'm usually up quite early for uni, but I try and do most things before I go to bed the night before :)

Hope your having a good weekend! C x

Charlie, if your pain is part of you, why do you talk about it? do you ever mention your ring finger, or your elbow or the space between your big and next toe?

thats how I see it - the pain is part of me and its for ever so I have trained myself to put it in the context of having as much significance as the freckle on my arm.

I only pay any attention to it if it changes significantly or like at the moment, my knees are burning and I have pins and needles in my feet because I've walked up a hill. I am aware of it -its at 4 now but reducing from 6 on my pain scale. Its uncomfortable, it may last 1 hour or 2, its variable, but it will settle.

I knew before I walked up the hill I would end up like this but the benefits of walking outweigh the degree of pain. And each time I do it, my body gets closer to accepting that this is now a normal level of activity for me.

I use meditation and mindfulness to push the pain in the backgound.

charlie_red profile image
charlie_red in reply to

I suppose this is true! Do you do other things to try and get distracted from the pain? I've been trying to keep doing things, like if I'm just sitting about I'll do some reading or some knitting and usually if my hands keep busy and I am concentrating on something the pain doesn't seem to be as 'in my face'!

I have never tried meditation but I have started Pilates and Yoga, I have only been going for a few weeks so I haven't noticed any benefits but I will stick with it and see how it goes :). I was on a chronic pain course and we had a session on mindfulness so I might try and get some more information :)

Hope your having a good weekend, C x

superannie profile image

Hi zanna, yes it,s all a learning curve. I also love to get out and have a walk to the shop, I get totally stressed if I have,nt been out at least once a day. Winter coming is worrying me a bit, I have been stockpiling loads of crafts to do, but boy I do love the fresh air. I am trying to organise a wheelchair but at the same time feel like I am giving in to this illness! Which way to go? I am very lucky in that I have a very supporting husband. He is also having a lot to deal with but is slowly coming to terms with the fact that this is here for the long haul. Could be worse! Thanks for your comment Charlie red, I will let u all know how it goes. My brother is coming with me as my husband has hearing problems and I need a spare pair of ears. Cheers for now, Ann

charlie_red profile image
charlie_red in reply to superannie

Hi Ann,

What kind of crafts do you enjoy? I love crafts too, there's always some lovely things at Christmas time!

Hope your having a good weekend, C x

superannie profile image

Lately I been knitting a lot of dolls, love sewing as well, scrapbooks dolls houses in fact all crafts! My latest doll is on my facebook page which is Ann Meades if yoiu would like to take a peek. Have a good day, cheers

charlie_red profile image

Oh you'll be busy busy! I love knitting too, I haven't been doing it for long tho so don't think I would manage a doll :) .. Thank you! I'll have a look, C x

Hi Ann

Mindfulness is great but very time consuming. At its most basic you take an activity like washing up. you focus very minutely on everything to do with it, using all your senses. so you might feel the water as it runs over your hands, play with the bubbles because its a different texture, it may smell of lemon detergent, You may notice a change in texture depending on what you are cleaning, you might wipe the plates clockwise, so do it in reverse and see how that feels. All the time you are making mental notes, appreciating all the information your senses are sending you. Very much in the same way a small child will explore something. Consciously focusing on the small details means your brain is fully occupied. You can do it with any activity you do and you can do it all day if you like on different activities.

The way it works against pain is that yes you might have a sore back and aching knees when you are washing up, but you are filling your brain with other associations from all senses so after time the brain latches onto them before the pain messages.

Does take a while to get the hang of it and you do feel a bit silly playing with things.

Our local council runs loads of free courses I and I try to do as many as possible each year. They are all business related. so I have a lot of reading to do for them. I tend to do that when I'm resting.

If the wheelchair keeps you on your feet for longer as it were, then I would go for that. If it gets you out when you might not be able to its a bonus. I don't think if you are using it once in a while it can only benefit you as you are conserving your energy.

will check out your FB page

Charlie...I can relate to your pain especially the areas you mention, I try to keep active and forget about it but easier said than done some days. I am not in my twenties either (late 40's) although I have had pain on and off since that age, actually since my teens.

I wish you well in your studies...My job finished up a week ago as we were over staffed and I was last in, but to tell the truth I was finding working 5 days in childcare very hard lately.

I hope to use this time to re-study and get a part time job doing something different and a little less physical. Good luck with your studies and your pain management try not to over do it...

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