I've just joined this site as I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and am looking for any support from people who understand what this means.
Newbie: I've just joined this site as I have... - Pain Concern

Welcome, there are lots of people here who understand what it means to live with constant pain.
Thanku for replying. I just feel all I do is moan, so I've decided that when people ask how I am, I'm just gonna say fine, but hopefully on here I can say well actually I'm not fine.
Yip, we are all with you, Pain is a difficult one for us all to cope with. We all have our own way on dealing with it to the best that we can.
Just stick in there.
There is a lot of guys and dolls on here with Fibromyalgia.
Take care
i have fibro and imflammtory arthrits. look me up on nras site too xx
I'm the infiltrator in the camp being just a carer.
David broke his back 30 yrs since and has a lifelong membership of our wonderful Chronic Pain Clinic.
Now degenerating badly with 2 further diseases of his spine - I can see the other side of how to help him live with these conditions.(and others too!)
Pat x
lol. Yes jackiewann, I am a huge NCIS fan. In fact, seeing Mark Harmon for an hour every day is the one thing that brightens my day just now!! lol
Thank you everyone for leaving me messages of support, it means so much and felt a bit teary reading them. Bad day today already. At work, but in a lot of pain, exhausted and feeling light headed.
On the bright side, it is a beautiful morning.
I see pain management as a journey into the self. I've discovered creativity that I would never have found. I am self employed so have no pressure of work. I have a survival kit that is a collection of exercises, meditation, distraction, rest and activity.
Theres so much to explore and try in the alternative therapies to see what helps, making new friends along the way.
I don't have fibromyalgia but understand it is very complex, sometimes debilitating. And keeping active is a major part in this condition.
Thankyou for your message Zanna. I definately need to look into alternative therapies and learn about how they can help. I find it really hard to have time for me to do anything regarding looking after my body, what with work, 3 kids (the 2 older ones are very demanding on my time, and I fail at saying no to them!) and my gorgeous granddaughter. I need to do something about this.xx
Just realised how selfish my last post sounds. I know I'm not the only person who has a busy life, we all have full lives. It's my time management that is bad.xx
Don't knock yourself! Coping with pain taxes every single resource your mind and body can lay claim to!
Thanks Calceolaria. xx
hello , please moan all you like, we understand, im on a lot of medication and find it helps im in control of my pain, but don't like the fact I have to take all these tablets but at least I can get through the day and sleep so I feel very lucky, I found life really difficult having 3 children at home one with aspergers who was very demanding, they have left home now I miss them but again im lucky as I can take a break when I want, im happy to discuss my my medication and im happy to receive advice on alternative, I try to walk most days but have shin splints which means I get pain I cant control catch 22, love Lorraine xx
Aw Lorraine, that just sounds awful. Do you mind me asking about your med as I am on tramadol and antidepressants and diazepam and still in so much pain. My GP prescribed me amytryptaline too, but I only took them for 2 days cos I felt spaced out and thats no good when I'm driving and working. Maybe I should persevere and try it over this weekend I don't know. : ( Love Audreyxxx
Has anyone tried acupunture for pain and has it helped?xx