Has anyone got or ever had a Hernia in their back? If so I would love a chat with you.
Lumbar Hernia: Has anyone got or ever had a... - Pain Concern
Lumbar Hernia

hi Liz, do you mean a "herniated disc"? I think this is what they used to call a "slipped disc". Luckily I don't have one, but it sounds very painful, so I sympathise.
Thanks for taking your time to reply, no its nothing to do with the discs, its a rip on the lower part left hand side of my back and it fills with fluids to cause a bulge. I've had an operation in April but its not been a success as the gauze they used to pack the hole is causing even more pain, but they could not stitch it as it was too big. Its very rare and surgons don't really know how to fix it, that's why i was trying to get advice myself. Thanks
That doesn't sound very nice for you. I've had two of the normal type of hernias which were fixed easily enough. It sounds like they have tried to fix your hernia in the same way but it's not the same thing. There must be someone else out there in the world with one.
Good luck, I hope they sort it out for you.
Hi, I was in a car crash on 9/27/13 and managed to have themuscles (oblique & 2 others) tear off. I am still waiting for surgery, in a load of pain, and feel very very concerned. I can't even wear pants. I know it has been a while, but i am curious if you went to have the work revised? did it work? Let me know if you can talk live about this.
Hi, My mom was diagnosed yesterday with a lumbar hernia. The Dr. told her it is extremely rare. I hope you have recovered from you surgery as it has been a while. I am curious if you went to a surgeon who specializes in this type of surgery. From what I have read it is a challenging surgery, and I would like to find a specialist. I am so sorry it was a painful experience for you. I hope my mom's surgery goes well. Any advice you can give is appreciated.