As the New Year begins, we all promise ourselves we’ll hit the gym, eat healthy, and save money… and by January 3rd, we’re on the couch with snacks, binge-watching our favorite series, wondering where it all went wrong. But hey, at least we tried! Here’s to another year of ambitious resolutions, hilarious failures, and moments that make us laugh until our sides hurt. Happy New Year—may your snacks be endless and your Wi-Fi strong! 🎉🤣
Embracing the New Year with Humor and Optimism - Pain Concern
Embracing the New Year with Humor and Optimism
Naaaaah ............ gobbledy gook ............ I cannot support any commercial enterprise be it Christmas, New Year, Easter or any other damn thing. What a lowlife thing to do to hijack a Christian Religous Festival and convert it into a commercial undertaking.
I don't participate in Christian Festivals like that, I don't particiapte in any form of binging be it Resolutions, Religon, Food, TV, Radio, Alcohol or the media promoting Elon Musk or Tommy Robinson ............. at the end of the day on 26th January ( fer instance) it'll all be dead in the water because the media machine will and does control what happens next.
Anyhow .... Happy New Year ...... and good luck to Britain with that. I'll be concentrating on giving my Surgery the most difficult possible time if they fail to make me timely appointments or take seriously my conditions or if they fail to deliver me, ( as is currently the case) verbally or in print results of tests which impact on my healthcare and quality of life.
I completely understand your frustration—it’s unacceptable when healthcare providers fail to prioritize timely care and communication, especially when it directly affects your health and quality of life. You absolutely deserve better, and I hope your surgery steps up to meet your needs this year. Wishing you strength and improved care moving forward.
Hiya Albatrossss,
Thank you for your words of encouragement. I'll not give up hope just yet. I had my Lung Function Test on 19 December and it was described as urgent as a result I had to make a 145 mile round trip to get it done urgently - not at a local healthcare facility, not a problem, did the drive OK. Was told at the end of the tests that if I hadn't heard within two weeks to phone my GP.
Predictably, I hadn't heard. I rang last Friday, (my surgery has a system where you press a number for test results) which I did. I was then told there is a note on my file to say I could not be given them by anyone other than a Dr. They'd get my GP to phone me back. Nothing happened ! ( No surprise there then). Rang again yesterday, was told my GP would phone me back - nothing happened as she wasn't on duty I later discovered. So today I am still waiting.
There is the suspicion of an Asthma diagnosis ( great - not ) ! ............ I have an inhaler which is not really doing its job, probably need a different inhaler. I have undertaken Peak Flow Tests which are not producing normal results. So, today - Tuesday we'll see how the wheel of fortune turns. My surgery seems to allocate a patient to a Dr and if that patients Dr isn't on duty then everything stops. No other Dr. is permitted to discuss things with the patient ................ like my test results.
I am not so much frustrated as angry particularly when I hear/see a mob of run of the mill, mediocre politicians bleat on about how they are gonna create more appointments .......... ain't gonna happen unless Government change the function and responsibilities of the BMA, i.e. make GP's work a 7 day a week shift system .......... not unheard of in the modern commercial/inustrial world ( mind you Britiain today is now pretty much at the ass end of that world ). Interesting how all attacks on the NHS are focused on the ambulance service and hospitals, not GP's ........... wow, the BMA sure has got somebody well stitched up !!
Rant over ......... if you've stayed with me, then thank you. 😊
Happy New Year!! I now have a bad case of Gerd. I feel heavy when I try to walk. Been to the doctors four times. They say just carry on with the medication. I won't be able to work next week if this carries on.
Yes, I'm doing it all. Lost 4kgs. Matter of not wanting to eat. Fruit like watermelon, pears, and veg cauliflower, Pumpkin, brocoli I love them all. Stopped tomatoes ages ago. Stopped drinking ans social smoke to no avail. Not one thing it's another. Hope work is going well for you. Awhina