Tonight my costo has stepped up a few levels in pain , paracetamol and codeine usually help but not tonight . What else can I do , I use a deep freeze gel but that’s not doing anything to help tonight 😢😢😢
How to cope with bad flare up of costochondri... - Pain Concern
How to cope with bad flare up of costochondritis ?
only just seen this. I find volterol helps me, I can’t take anti inflammatory meds but this rub helps me.
I found that sitting on the edge of the bed first thing in the morning, and stretching my chest out as far as it would go, which of course really hurt at the time, but did give relief from the pain eventually, so much so that I know longer have a problem with costochondritis at all now.
I sufferwith avery painful after falling 2 years ago. I was using morphine to relieve the pain
butm my doctor said that I have stop taking it, and he said that paracetamol and codiene tablets would work just aas well. they did not help my pain at all. So after several attempts to give me more relief I eventually got tramadol. with the paracetamol and codiene ( 500/30 ) I get more relief but the pain comes back several hours bfore I am abe take any more.
Hello Westie 2012,
I do hope that your flare up has eased by now. I am sending along our 'manage your pain' leaflet which has information on managing flare up pain within it: You may also be interested in attending one of our online Pain Education sessions, where one of the topics is specifically about managing flare ups
-Pain Concern Admin