Hi all
I had a heart attack in February of this year. 3 stents were put in and was successful.
In my recovery period I’ve lost 32kg eating healthy and cutting out all junk food, soda and limiting coffee from 10 to only 1 a day. I’ve halved my bad cholesterol and all my bloods are normal and in healthy range.
I’ve had pain since about 6 weeks after the heart attack. It started when I went back to work and got months it has become worse and more consistent.
I’ve had so many tests including
Stress echocardiogram
Ct scan with and without dye
Blood tests
Bone scan
my osteopath diagnosed me with costochondritis but I’ve recently seen a pain specialist who diagnosed me with nerve issues stemming from the thoracic area in my spine. This can cause pain that radiates from back, ribs, shoulders arms, chest, sternum and abdomen.
I’m now on nerve pain medication also on opioid slow release plus I have panadine forte (codeine) and Valium for immediate relief when needed.
I just wanted to know if anyone else out there has gone through similar nerve pain and if your pain mimics heart attacks from time to time.
I had an episode this morning where I thought I could be having another heart attack but with a Valium and panadine my pain eased within half an hour and I went back to bed.
I’m anxious even though all my heart tests have been clear and in working order.
My GP is happy and so is my cardiologist and they both think my heart is working fine.
This all doesn’t stop the anxiety for me and my pain is really affecting my left side. This of course is where the heart is and any pain there really triggers me. I try to rationalise it by thinking about all the tests I’ve passed. I’ve also changed my whole health side of things too.
I just wanted to hear from anyone that may experience the same pain and anxiety surrounding this.
Thank you so much ♥️