Hi everyone. Apologies if this is not in the right place. I am new here.
Been recently diagnosed with GERD. Waiting on tests for Hospital.
What symptoms do you guys have with it as I am worrying myself sick
Hi everyone. Apologies if this is not in the right place. I am new here.
Been recently diagnosed with GERD. Waiting on tests for Hospital.
What symptoms do you guys have with it as I am worrying myself sick
Hi, You might find it more helpful to join the reflux groups here. There is one called Acid Reflux Support.
I get mild indegestion most of the time. A little tightness under my chest. That’s basically it. I haven’t been diagnosed with GERD. However, it’s been written in my patient record with a question mark.
The lazaprenol helped immensely for few moths but doesn’t work as effectively now. It’s a bit useless now. GERD and GORD aren’t very serious. They are horrible things to have though.