I was diagnosed with multiple myeloma 7 years ago. It broke my back in 13 places I was in a brace for 6 months which healed my back, but its left me with mechanical and remedial pain. I take MST twice a day and oramorph every 4 hours it doesn't really touch the pain. I have CPD oil and wondering wether to take it, but as I've been diagnosed with atrial fibrillation as well I'm sure I think I should speak to the cardio team first. I've had a cardio version which didn't work waiting for an ablation now. Has anyone got any tips and plans to help me
Mechanical and remedial pain : I was diagnosed... - Pain Concern
Mechanical and remedial pain

Sorry to hear about the pain you are in. Can't help with the CBD oil as I have no knowledge about it. As you have known heart problems I think it would be best to speak to your cardiac team first.
Having been through so much you sound like someone who has a lot of inner strength. Have you had a review of your pain medication from your Oncologist's or Oncology nurse? I have some spinal pain and have a small dose of nortyptaline which I find helps it. I find gentle exercise stops the muscles tightening up around any damaged areas, but avoid certain movements which trigger heightened ongoing pain. (I have damage which can effect nerves in neck) . Ongoing pain is draining and I hope that you find some additional relief from it.
my sister takes CBD oil and it helps her. I took it a few years ago and tried to believe it helped , I found it a comfort but I cannot be sure it helped me. I cannot see why you shouldn’t give it a try. Good luck