Can't really find a specific community here on HU , so I thought I would ask here since the falls cause painful injuries. Anyone have this and is there anything that can be done about it?
Orthostatic hypotension: Can't really find a... - Pain Concern
Orthostatic hypotension

If you are hurting yourself by fainting then this is more serious than standing up quickly.
What has your Doctor said?
Have you tried the Ehlers-Danlos group because many people with EDS also have OH.
My son has POTS. It can be really hard to get a doctor to treat. There are some good cardiologists that deal with it.
The first line of treatment is to increase intake of fluids and to increase salt intake. Wearing compression leggings or socks can also help.
Getting good sleep is important and it seems sleeping with the head of the bed raised can be helpful too.
There are medications that can help, but you will need to find a doctor for those.
Do you know about POTS UK? They might be able to help you find a doctor:
I was diagnosed with orthostatic hypotension many many years ago I would also fall down randomly it was discovered a long time later that I actually had Meinere’s disease. Now they are calling it Autoimmune inner ear disease.. hmm
I have Meniere's and its no fun! Losing more of my hearing lately.
This is going to sound crazy but since losing my thyroid (still sucks) my hearing in my if you can call it good ear has actually improved my other ear died long time ago.
Deaf in left ear and only 25% hearing left in other ear since thyroidectomy I can hear much better but doctors can’t say why … hence the autoimmune inner ear disease diagnosis.
STARS is another helpful organisation. There are a few causes of OH. There are some standard interventions as well as specific ones if the cause is known.
(Even though the web address mentions heart rhythms, the organisation remit is wider than that and includes hypotension in general.)
Thanks for the responses. It is my dh with this problem and it only happens when he squats down. Usually he can hold onto something and the dizziness passes but last time it didn't work. He fell face hurt, just a small cut above his eye and a sore arm. He refuses doctors😑. He reads there is nothing they can really do it for anyway, so he never gets checked out.