I'm new here, so I may be over explaining things a bit.
So, I went to the ER two weeks back for left chest pain/shoulder pain. Convinced it was a heartattack. They ran blood tests, a ecg, a ct scan with contrast and a ultrasound to rule out bloodclots/pulmonary embolism. They told me my lungs and heart were okay, wrote it off as shoulder pain and anxiety (I've suffered from anxiety for years) and sent me home. Over the last two weeks, the pain has gradually increased in locations, but not really severity. It's kind of a constant dull ache in both my right and left shoulder, and occasional tightness across my chest. I did notice the other night that, when laying on my couch playing my laptop, that when I inhaled there was a SHARP pain near the center of my chest, but located towards the right breast. It went away when I set up. The shoulder pain is what bothers me the most. It's gotten to the point that's it's just annoying. It's kind of located towards the front/top of my shoulder, and after stretching them over my head to see if that would help, they ached severely for a few minutes after. I have an appointment Tuesday to follow up, but my anxiety (I have health anxiety) will not just let me rest....
As a side note, I do have GERDS.
(Female, 21, slightly overweight with smoking history. I just had covid last month, and the month before that I had severe bronchitis, if that's any relation to this.)