I had an op for total knee replacement last year, but still get a strange pain in the leg it feels like a bone moving under the knee , cracks and sends a pain through the leg. A bit like when you hit the funny bone in your arm but slightly more severe. Any ideas on what to do ?, other than persist with it. I have not seen the Consultant since the day of my op or the Gp . taking my usual painkillers since op in a slightly lower dose for my mulyti joint arthritis.
On going Pain after knee op: I had an op for... - Pain Concern
On going Pain after knee op

I had my 6 week check up last week with the consultant/surgeon from having a half knee done. He said if i have any problems don't go to the gp ring and speak to his secretary who'll sort out an appointment. So my advice is to do that. Ring your surgeon or their secretary. Good luck xx
As the others have said definitely contact your consultants secretary and ask for an appointment. It’s not nice for you to have this worry and discomfort . Good luck 😊
I had a total knee replacement 3 years ago. I saw my consultant 6 weeks after the operation for a thorough check up so I would certainly try to arrange that through the hospital itself? if you are allowed to refer directly which maybe possible, or your GP. You should definitely have a check up and a chance to discuss any worries. Having said that, I would say that the 'bone rubbing' sensation you feel and some pain is not unusual in my experience. I would recommend that you keep doing your exercises from the operation and generally keep moving as much as you can. In my experience pain everywhere isn't helped by sitting still. In lockdown I was walking up to 5 miles around 3 times a week which I'm still trying to maintain although other things get in the way now. Do what you can manage and good luck. I never regret having the op now.
Hi KatieI had a knee replacement 5 years ago. I agree with the others, get help, if the Consultant cannot help, ask to be referred to a Pain Management Clinic.
Hi Moreorless, I had a look today but can't find the consultant who authorised the operation or his secretary on the hospital site. . I have been to pain management before for my other arthritic joint pains but never for my lower limbs or Knees. So may have to see what GP can do. Thank you for reply. Sadly because of the virus and a broken foot since my knee op my exercise has been highly reduced , which is not good for the joints or the breathing.
Have you had Physio for your broken foot? You could ask a Physio.