Can anyone tell me the Tramadol side effects?
Tramadol : Can anyone tell me the Tramadol side... - Pain Concern

Tramadol are extremely strong . Only take them if you are really in desperate pain . They will make you very drowsy , they will make you constipated . They are also very addictive . They do work for pain but I wouldn’t take them permanently . That’s only my opinion . Be best to consult a pharmacist .
I couldn't disagree with you more. Tramadol is not a strong pain med. It is an opiate derivative so it has the same side effects as opiates. This can include constipation, drowsiness and yes there is the possibility of addiction. However, people who take it as directed often do not become addicts. Their bodies do become dependent on the drug so you have to taper off the same way you would for steroids. Tramadol is not the evil drug that you make it out to be.
I never used the word “ evil” . It was ok for a short time only but the constipation wasn’t nice.
I apologize for my harsh words. I am pretty touchy about the way opiates are labled as bad medicine by the press and people who form uneducated opinions when it can be used for good. This is a serious problem for those of us in the US that suffer from chronic debilitating pain and can't get adequate relief.
Insomnia, itchiness are two I experienced.They are about the least strong of all the opiates, which will all elicit similar side effects.
Most of these side effects will wear off after a while, ( 3 to 4 weeks) so ,if you need pain relief for long term, you should stick with them.
Good luck.
Thank you so much for your rational depiction of Tramadol. Those itches are often times referred to as opioid-induced itching and boy can they be miserable. But like you said most of the side effects stop after a while. However one correction is that a Tramadol is not a true opiate it is considered an opioid derivative. But it holds the same qualities and side effects that an opiate does.
Serious constipation, inability to concentrate, sweating, itchy skin, sleepiness. The more you take them, the less effective they are.
Didnt sleep for 48 hours, couldn't take again
I found tramadol slightly more tolerable than codeine. But still the constipation alone makes me very unlikely to take it unless the pain is so bad I can't function anyway, and even then, for the shortest possible time.
But everyone is different, everyone metabolises drugs differently, so you need to try it for yourself to decide if it is right for you.
Tramadol made me vomit. Only took one.
I have neuropathy. Took half pill . Gave me constant waves of cramp pains riding up my legs for two days. This also happened to me on Bactrim . I never have those kinds of pains normally.
My GP advised me to take paracetamol along with my Tramadol and I have no side effects, but feel good and been on them for years.
Amazing how differently we're all affected. I've been on tramadol for years, and never get constipated. *shrug*