I attended pain clinics and at first was prescribed pain killers none of which gave me relief then i was referred to a specialist that used injections in the spine to deaden the nerve, sadly after six of these injections lasted no more than 2 month and of cause are expensive i have had to go back to medication i am currently on Co drydomol they give me about an hours respite. Its a very complex thing pain, i have found some relief in using hemp oil three times daily and it does take the edge of it, i wish you all the best, health and happiness to you LES
Pain relief: I attended pain clinics and at... - Pain Concern
Pain relief

I’m prescribed Gabapentin 300mg 3 x a day (600mg at night) for severe degeneration of the lumbar spine, severe leg pain and peripheral neuropathy. It helps a little but doesn’t take the pain away completely.
I could have wrote that...only you did not mention your sleep pattern I spend most of the night awake and part of the day asleep.
Hi, I have 600mg Gabapentin at night, as well as 50mg of Dosulepin. The combination knocks me out and I get 8 hours sleep. Not natural sleep obviously but I do feel rested in the morning. I take 300mg GABA in the morning and 300mg in the afternoon also. The neuropathic pain in my lower legs doesn’t go away although the medication slightly improves it. I have to be satisfied with that because if I take a higher dose of GABA, my head is wooley and my balance goes way off. Take care xx
Know where you are coming from. It’s hard to keep going. I have had 4 ops and although I had little choice I am glad I had them. They helped with the pain. But it did not take it away. I take cbd oil which helps somewhat. Besides that I take dihydrocodeine for the back pain and pregabalin for the referred leg pain. I am slowly reducing the pregabalin and am hoping to just take the cbd oil for the leg pain. The back is a different kind of pain and prob has a lot to do with the fusion. I have had various spinal injections and 2 denervation for the back pain. The injections never lasted long plus they say too many is not a good idea. I felt the denervations although unpleasant to have did help quite a bit for a reasonably long time.
Hi, I’ve been to the Pain Clinic but found it useless for me. I have neuropathic pain in my lower legs and a degenerative lumbar spine. When the Head Physio asked me to touch my toes, and I did, he said you can do it better than me and walked out of the room! My doctor says I have a very flexible spine. When I got to the Clinic I had to sit on a very uncomfortable chair for me being 5ft 2ins! I asked for a foot rest and after that I felt like I was treated like a ‘difficult’ patient. Pain Clinics not for me! Have you tried Gabapentin for your pain? It has really helped me, but doesn’t take all the pain away.