Help pain: Ive had severe lower back with... - Pain Concern

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Help pain

Jinxy2221 profile image
53 Replies

Ive had severe lower back with siatica in my left leg over 4 months now. The pain is beyond unbelievable. I cant get anywhere with the doctors here anyone have any suggestions on what to do.

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Jinxy2221 profile image
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53 Replies
rabbits65 profile image

Hello Jinxy2221 ,It’s a miserable pain that’s for sure. I have it especially if I try to lift things. Gentle stretching exercises help. Hot water bottles are very comforting , feeling the warmth penetrate , but not too hot.

You need to go back to your GP and perhaps ask for a referral .

Hope you feel better soon

Jinxy2221 profile image
Jinxy2221 in reply to rabbits65

Thank you

Haz58 profile image
Haz58 in reply to rabbits65

I think I have the same, it’s been 7 weeks now. But luckily I had an appointment with my rheumatologist last week. She says the pain in my hip and knee may be arthritic but my symptoms were classic of a trapped nerve in my back. I had been taking co-drydamol or zapain to try to get done respite at night but only slept for 2 hours at a time once they kicked in. I’ve had an MRI on my knee and X-ray on my hip, still waiting for results, but she put me on Amitriptyline 10mg and of I wake she told me to take co-drydamol. I still have pain on and off but after 2 weeks of doing this at least I am sleeping. She said I may need to see a spine surgeon. So just got to wait to see what the results are. I had times where I just wanted to take the whole box of codiene the pain was so bad. I hope you get sorted. I was once told my a nurse at my GP’s if you see a doctor and the pain/ symptoms carry on, you have to keep going back to your GP time and time again and eventually they will refer you. Shouldn’t be like that but I have found it’s the only way to get taken seriously. Good luck.

rabbits65 profile image
rabbits65 in reply to Haz58

Hi again , As I’m 68 years and I’ve lived with this sciatica on and off since I was 21 years old !!!!! You actually sort of learn to live with it . Try and avoid co dydramol they are not good for you long term . I get constipated with those , that you don’t want because constipation just adds to the pain further . Try gentle stretching exercises to keep things from setting and getting stiff is no good either . Hot water bottles are my salvation !!!!

Haz58 profile image
Haz58 in reply to rabbits65

Hi. Yes im 62 and have sciatica lots of times before but not for this long and not as painful as this has been. I hate taking co-drydamol because as you say they just clog you up. I’m only taking 1 now if I wake around 4am and they are only 10/500 so not strong ones. With the Amitriptyline now kicked in I tried just 2 paracetamol this early morning and managed to go back to sleep. Yesterday I started going for a little walk up the road and back and have started doing gentle stretches too. Hot water bottles are great yes. I also use a mobile TENS Machine that helps now.

rabbits65 profile image
rabbits65 in reply to Haz58

What about your bed. I changed my bed and it made a huge difference . Think about getting a new bed... try not to lie on the painful area. Use a covered hot water bottle . So you need a combination of rest and exercise . A good physiotherapist might help you too .

Haz58 profile image
Haz58 in reply to rabbits65

Yes we’ve changed the bed. Made a big difference to the old one we had, which wasn’t that Old. Once I get the X-ray and MRI results if it’s not arthritis causing the pain then I’ve decided to see a physio. I had physio about 5 years ago for my back. Still do some of the exercises they gave me every day, or when my back, hips and knees allow me to 🤦‍♀️

rabbits65 profile image
rabbits65 in reply to Haz58

I hope you feel better soon , let me know how you get on 😊

Jinxy2221 profile image
Jinxy2221 in reply to rabbits65

Thank u i will

Jinxy2221 profile image
Jinxy2221 in reply to rabbits65

Hi still no better actually worse cant walk at all now im very depressed i just dint know what to do

rabbits65 profile image
rabbits65 in reply to Jinxy2221

See if you can find a private physio . I know it’s about £40 but worth the money. I say that because the NHS might have a long waiting list. Your back has tightened and you need a bit of release , my sciatica is bad today. Thanks for writing again and letting me know . But physio or a sports massage will release the knot in your back

Haz58 profile image
Haz58 in reply to rabbits65

Well I have the results. Hip X-ray showdown wear and tear arthritis. I hate that phrase. ‘Wear & tear’ ...if that’s the case then why doesn’t everyone, especially athletes get it? The MRI on my knee shows I have a torn cartilage! So I’ve seen a doc about my leg, been to a & e with my leg and finally the rheumatologist sends me for the MRI. So now I have a letter from her saying I may need an orthopaedic surgeon. So I guess I try to start again with my doctors to see what I do now. I should have rested it, iced it etc so now 2 months on after trying to walk etc I’m basically back to square one except I know what it is. X

rabbits65 profile image
rabbits65 in reply to Haz58

Yes at least you know what’s going on . Oh I do think athletes get wear and tear too. I’m68 so mine is now age related and probably little can be done. It’s horrible isn’t it this getting older . Look don’t give up, keep going , your get a little better 😃

Haz58 profile image
Haz58 in reply to rabbits65

Yes you’re right I do know now 😁 my dear mum always used to say ‘Hazel don’t get old it’s not good’ and that was when she was about 80/85 lol. Onwards and upwards. Xx

rabbits65 profile image
rabbits65 in reply to Haz58

Well I’ve had awful feet all my life . I’m rarely ever comfortable .

Hi Jinxy, you say you blew two discs then that will more or less your problem , I would go to your GP and talk about what options you have if you have had a scan and take it from there because it won't go away . Clive X 🤗

Jinxy2221 profile image
Jinxy2221 in reply to

I have had an mri been to pain management and spine surgeon

Timmer79 profile image
Timmer79 in reply to Jinxy2221

Do you try those heat patches you get that stick to your skin...they keep warm for about 8 hours, if nothing else they might be a diversion fir a little while?Hope it eases for you, keep moving x

Jinxy2221 profile image
Jinxy2221 in reply to Timmer79

Ill def try that thank you

Ricardo70 profile image

I simply don’t understand why some doctors will help and others seem less interested.If you have a genuine physical issue they are duty bound to help you. I appreciate that the GP’s are over subscribed and under a great deal of pressure but there is NO excuse for poor service.

Contact the practice manager and have a discussion with them regarding your concerns. You need help to manage your pain and secondly you need referring to a pain management program.

If you don’t insist on help they simply won’t help you because they’re under so much pressure. Persistence is the key, I and a great many others in this community have experienced the same issues, don’t give in.👍🏼

Jinxy2221 profile image
Jinxy2221 in reply to Ricardo70

Hi I dont either its drives me crazy ive been going to pain management unfortunately mo luck there and thank you

Konagirl60 profile image
Konagirl60 in reply to Jinxy2221

What did the pain clinic do for you?

Jinxy2221 profile image
Jinxy2221 in reply to Konagirl60

Nothing but put in more pain honestly the steriod injection didnt help so im just trying to figure out what to do from here

Konagirl60 profile image
Konagirl60 in reply to Jinxy2221

Do you know where exactly you were injected and what they injected into you? Do you have a copy of the report?

Jinxy2221 profile image
Jinxy2221 in reply to Konagirl60

Yes i do whys that it was a steriod injection done in mu sacral area

Konagirl60 profile image
Konagirl60 in reply to Jinxy2221

When I had my injection they used 40mg steroid. I sat pain free for the first time in 20 months. The doctor injected my pudendal nerve roots S2, S3 and S4. I’m not sure where the sciatic nerve root is.

Jinxy2221 profile image
Jinxy2221 in reply to Konagirl60

Its s1 right side i had the injections done at another pain clinic for almost a year an half they helped then my back is worse at this point. So im scheduled for a recheck hopefully theyll help

sw1902 profile image

So sorry you are having pain. My husband had this after starting cardiac rehab after a heart attack. Riding an exercise bike he herniated a disc in his back. He could not have surgery for a year since he just had stent placement in his heart. My husband is a big strong guy but he cried from the pain. He couldn’t walk or sit up. Could only lay with an ice pack in his thigh in the back. I finally was able to get him to a doctor in a larger hospital who gave him lyrica for nerve pain. Even opiates do not stop this kind of pain. We could see on the MRI where the disc was pressing on the nerve. He only stayed on Lyrica for a week because of side effects (I take it with no problem) but it was long enough to stop some of the pain, enough to get him into physical therapy. They helped him with exercises and each time we left physical therapy he could walk. After six weeks he was able to walk up to three miles every other day. He had exercises to do at home. Laying on his belly and slightly lifting and also sitting with his right leg pulled up and across the knee with his ankle resting on the other knee. Look on the internet for exercises for slipped disc. His was in the last vertebrae in the spine and caused the pain in the back of his thigh and down the leg. Depending on what disc is pressing determines where the pain is and sometimes makes the pain go through the buttocks and all the way down the leg. Even though he never had lower back pain that’s where it was originating from. Can you see a physical therapist? We are in the US. He started with laying on his belly and lifting himself on his flat arms and elbows just a small bit at first. Just with his arms bent he lifted a small amount. There are many exercises online that you can look at but you need to know which disc is out. The disc really wants to go back in place and not stay out. Other people we know have an inversion chair which opens the spaces between the disc for relief. Hope you can find someone to help. I know by watching him go through this that nerve pain is the worst to stop. Hope this helped some. Good luck.

Jinxy2221 profile image
Jinxy2221 in reply to sw1902

Hi yes ive been thru threapy im trying everything that the docs are telling me im beyond frustrated thank you's a terrible pain, nothing quite like it. It sounds as though you have had quite a lot of medical interventions without help so difficult to know where to go from here. I've had acute sciatica left side three times in the last two years and I dread its reappearance. For pain relief and getting a bit of sleep I found the combination of gabapentin and co-codamol useful. Physio exercises were hopeless because it was too painful to do them, but walking a few miles each day was very helpful, but you have to walk through the initial awful pain. Took about 10 minutes for the pain to go and I could then enjoy the walk. Each episode took about 3 months to clear but I still have chronic spasm in the back muscles on that side hence the fear of recurrence.

Jinxy2221 profile image
Jinxy2221 in reply to

Its very frustrating to say the least ive been on and off different meds not big on pain pills ive tried everything just really dont know thank you

Bazer-Sci profile image

Hi Jinxy, sorry to hear your situation. Have you tried TENs? My wife and a neighbour found that useful with low back related sciatica. I too found pain clincs utterly useless and trying to deal with my GP and them has ended up with me having to seek support for my mental health. I have to say my experiences with GP and pain clinics 30 years ago was much better I guess it’s a sign of the times.

Jinxy2221 profile image
Jinxy2221 in reply to Bazer-Sci

Hi yes i have an it seems to help sum thank you so much

Sorohan profile image

Hello Have you tryed a tens machine lt will give you some relief while you are using it

You can get one at Lloyd chemist

Have you contact a private physio

Good luck or you could contact your local Pals

and let them about your G/p concern or lack of it

You should be offered a X-ray/scan/or referral to pain control clinic

Jinxy2221 profile image
Jinxy2221 in reply to Sorohan

I have been couldnt get on until middle of may but its a start thank you

JEWEW profile image

Hi iv been suffering with my back and legs for years... after many mri scans I was told it's lumber spinal stenosis, only given pain killers for it. On top of this my groin in right leg has agonising pain and unable to more at times, mri shows I need a hip replacement.

Doctors don't sympathise your condition you have to keep on and on at them , tell them you need mri scan ... I hope you get sorted sooner than I did,.

I'm on naproxen Gabapentinr Co codamol, they do ease the pain a little. Good luck

Jinxy2221 profile image
Jinxy2221 in reply to JEWEW

Thank you

Timmer79 profile image

Hi Jinxy,

Ive had it on-off for 2.5 years now since car accident, and the only things that seem to help are pilates, 30minutes twice a week

i do them at home on a zoom video, and the local physio i have signed up to sends them to me on emails daily- so i pick and choose the ones i want to do. (ive tried signing up to exericise class but i just dont seem to find the time. If its at home i can squeeze in at least 15mins.

also, if itis really bad, i stop so much exercise or walking if i can and rest....then continue slowly with exercise when it wears off.

mind you, i did have mri, so i knew nothing was wrong (but in hindsight i wouldnt have waited so long to exercise- they tell me anything at all is better than none).

I have a diary that i use daily to write don the steps ive taken, aiming for 8-10,000, but i find walking really irritates it- and also the shoes i onto nike air max trainers for most of the day now and thats helped somewhat.

i cant do cold compress as i have bad chilblains and Raynaud's, but a warm bath helps me as it takes the pressure off from the weight of my body i think. 😂😂

when it was really bad at the start i couldnt stand up would lie on the floor slowly and pull knees to chest, 2-3 times a day if i could handle it.

Hope some or any of these help- if nothing else to keep your mind off it!

A cruel pain sciatica is! Hope it eases off soon xx

Jinxy2221 profile image
Jinxy2221 in reply to Timmer79

Thank you

rabbits65 profile image
rabbits65 in reply to Timmer79

Pilates is supposed to be very good I know, but I can’t get up and down off the mat on the floor , !!!! I’m also scared of exercising too much in case my back goes into a spasm . However I’m looking to see if they do a gentle exercise where you don’t have to get down on the floor

ashy67 profile image

ive got arthiritus of the spine knees wrists etc had morphine-didnt even touch the pain-the docs are useless

Jinxy2221 profile image
Jinxy2221 in reply to ashy67

I agree its really sad

ashy67 profile image
ashy67 in reply to Jinxy2221

On top of this I've not scum noisy neighbours banging all the time...bastards

Jinxy2221 profile image
Jinxy2221 in reply to ashy67

Yea that would suck

Denae011 profile image

Hi I bought a small machine called sciaticalm. It’s a bit like a tens machine. It did really help me. I had some kind of sciatic/ nerve flare up a couple of years ago. Never had pain like it! I was sent to A and E by my Gp after i saw him 3 times about it. The pain was that bad I was sobbing in front of everyone in a packed department. I dread it ever coming back.

rabbits65 profile image
rabbits65 in reply to Denae011

Oh my goodness how awful that must have been . Where could I get one of these machines you mention. Did it help? Are you better now

Denae011 profile image
Denae011 in reply to rabbits65

Hi I bought it off the sciaticalm website. It was recommended to me. You use it for so many minutes per day. It wasn’t expensive. About 40 pounds. I’m ok now I’ve never had that nerve pain back. It’s horrendous. I would hate to ever have that again

rabbits65 profile image
rabbits65 in reply to Denae011

Thank you very much , so is it similar to a tens machine style type thing.

rabbits65 profile image
rabbits65 in reply to Denae011

Ps. Oh yes sorry you’ve said it is similar to tens machine

Denae011 profile image
Denae011 in reply to rabbits65

Hi yes it’s just a small machine. I looked the reviews up for it first. You can have your money back as well if you find it doesn’t help.

rabbits65 profile image
rabbits65 in reply to Denae011

Thank you I might get one of those. 😊

rabbits65 profile image

Hello Jinxy2221I was wondering if your any better?

Jinxy2221 profile image

No i actually was supposed to go to a new pain management doc yesterday and they rescheduled to next Wednesday really feeling down at this point thank u for asking and i hope ur feelimg better

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