Hi All,
I finished 6 cycles of chemotherapy (Docetaxel) in October 2019 and have had Peripheral Neuropathy ever since. For about the first 7-9 months I suffered the usual sharp pains in my feet (like they were being stabbed) and electric shock type pains as well. The other effect of PN has been numbness in both feet - not total, but enough that I don't walk with confidence because I cannot 'feel' the ground like I used to. My balance is also shot to pieces so that if I go out for a walk, I use a hiking type pole to stop me wandering all over the road/pavement/path.
I mention this to my Onco every 3 months when we have a telephone consultation, but he simply makes a note and doesn't suggest any drug or exercise that might help. Over the past 2-3 months, it seems that the numbness in my feet is actually getting worse and I have no idea why. I guess the nerve damage in my feet is permanent and there is not much I can do about it. However, I would appreciate any advice you might have. Is there any medication that might help? Any exercises that could take the edge off? My other worry is that, if I ever need more chemo, will the PN get worse to the point where I end up in a chair?
PC just keep giving, doesn't it!!!!