Hi all,
This is my first post, I suffer from numerous conditions as you will see by my profile but the one condition I struggle with more than any is peripheral neuropathy. This condition is unlike any other, I don't want to make it sound like my other conditions aren't very problematic neither do I want to disrespect anyone who suffers, we are all different but the pain from peripheral neuropathy is to me on a different level to anything I suffer from or ever have, it is a pain no matter what drug I have been put on, from morphine, tapentadol to the chilli patches (cutenza patches) and injections that will not abate.
The pain varies from hour to hour day to day, my legs, feet and hands go from a feeling of literally being barbecued, sliced by a million razors and dipped in acid to walking on a fire pit full of broken glass or being locked in blocks of ice whilst having a thousand needles rammed into every joint and the tips of every digit, it is sickening and beyond any pain I have ever known or any surgery I have ever recovered from.
Ironically if the explanations I give for the pain were actually done to me, then I would feel nothing. This is a condition that has happened to me for no reason at all, no practitioner can give a reason, I am fed up of being told I am diabetic when I'm not as this and chemotherapy drugs are apparently the main causes but I have had neither.
It was diagnosed by neurologists following nerve conduction tests and sensory tests, the nerve conduction test showed no reactions at all below my knee so this was diagnosed as severe damage and my forearms and hands showed limited reactions so was diagnosed as moderate to severe but in both limbs below elbows and knees there is no sensory feeling to pin prick or cotton wool tests.
I have literally tried every drug there is, every cream, lotion or patch, the last was cutenza patches which is extremely potent chilli paste applied by a consultant wearing safety glasses, gloves, apron etc who was coughing and sneezing at the odour but was astounded to see that my feet showed no reaction after the patches were left on for 30mins over recommended limit, after a hour I felt nothing and there's been no lessening of symptoms. My consultant at the pain clinic said that the damage to the nerves must go extremely deep and now feels there is little they can do to help or give me respite from this pain, I'm exasperated, saddened and at a loss.
So eight years after being diagnosed it seems treatment is at an end and any hope of even partial relief from the pain is over. This is why I write this post, to seek advice from others suffering from this cruel illness and to see if they can offer any advice from their own experiences and treatment as I now feel after trying everything possible to find an answer my future is one of absolute hell, my other conditions and illnesses aren't easy but they are manageable but Peripheral Neuropathy is one stubborn, painful and life changing (expletive, expletive) I have ever come up against!!!!!
Any help and advice gratefully received???