16 year old son been vomiting going on two m... - Pain Concern

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16 year old son been vomiting going on two months unable to hold food and liquid down

Dodomom profile image
8 Replies

My 16 year old son is experiencing the same symptoms, It started in July 2020 going on 2 months. Dr.s dont know whats wrong with him, all his tests come back normal "labs MRI's, CT scans, Ex-rays all normal" My son was a health active 16 year old boy that played football, been in jus juis since he was 6 years old. My once muscler son is now bones weak and fragile he has no energy, there times i have to pick him up off the restroom floor. Please if you have any info on this Thank You

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Dodomom profile image
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8 Replies
Labrat80 profile image

Dear God, that sounds traumatic. You must feel terrified.

Does he have any triggers that make him worse? Times of day, foods, light, colours, people, moods, any patterns at all?

happytulip profile image

Cyclical vomiting syndrome?

So many things that it could be. I presume he is being tested for many things and on IV fluids if he can't keep liquids down?

Izzybelle22 profile image

Oh Dodomom, I am so sorry that your son is enduring this physical (?) phenomenon. Did I read you correctly that there are two 16 year-old boys with identical symptoms? If so, that is a great place to start knowing that if the Dr.s can't find an answer... you will. I suggest finding out what these two guys have in common (ie: school, church, sports, etc.) and proceeding from there. My best to your son and the family and please keep us posted with his progress.

MSTKing profile image

Can you think back to the time it first happened? Was there anything in particular that made him initially sick, any change in diet? I had a period of time when I was very sick for months on end with no known cause but it did end. Have the doctors suggested antiemetics - and do these work. If he is losing weight and you are worried about his bones etc - they try Ensure and multivitamins during this period, but keep trying with small portions of food. Finally, keep on at the doctors. Keep a record of when and how often he is sick each day, what he eats and weight each week. With such records it can only help keep track of what is going on.

Allergies to foods or medications???

Barbola profile image

This is very scary. My 14 year old grandson had weakness, falling asleep during day you could not wake him, had to help him off floor, diarrhea, vomiting, nightmares and seizure like episodes with abdominal pains. It all started with the gastrointestinal symptoms, then he would sleepwalk and bang his head and scream.... every test was done by specialists. He has POD syndrome which is an immune response after virus infections.... flu, etc. has to be home schooled. Slowly he is getting better but it will take months or possibly years. He also has Lyme disease antibodies in his blood but this could have triggered this immune response or his system was fighting two or three infections, no one knows. He even had ulcer like sores in his stomach and intestines....all PODS syndrome. His blood pressure drops dramatically upon standing up from sitting and his legs swell and he cannot get up without help. It is getting better on its own, been almost 2 years now. Are you in the US? There are tests for immune disorders but to come to this diagnose took many specialists and tests. Its common disorder but rarely so dramatic but in teenagers it is bc they start making different hormones etc. read up on POD Syndrome. It just may be it. We were desperate with our boy....best wishes to you snd your son

Natasha78 profile image

I am so sorry about what you are going threw, my daughter has only been able to drink Blue energade, which we add rehydrate to, besides this nothing else stays down she throws up dry toast in 10min any liquid including water she throws up. This has been going on now for a month, we have done blood tests, BA Meal test and scan everything is normal, now the doctor is saying it could be emotional issues that's making her throw up.


I'm new here

I'm so sorry to read about your son. Does he have a lot of pain ?

Our son was diagnosed with Crohn's disease aged 12. He is in remission now after having surgery when he was 19. My son leads a full and happy life and is living with his girlfriend. He is just the right weight now as he lost loads before he was diagnosed.

Take care and stay safe

Love and hugs Lynne xxxx ❤️💜

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