Hello, I am 19, never smoked, never vaped, have rarely been around smokers and am in pretty good shape. For about 4 days now I have found myself unable to take a full breath. Although I am occasionally able to. My shortness of breath strangely does not get worse with exertion. I also have an occasional popping sensation when I take deep breaths and Somewhat mild pain in my chest. Given all of the covid stuff going around i know it might be that but I am also extremely concerned that it’s something worse like lung cancer or the beginning signs of a heart attack. I know might be a little hypochondriac about this but I’m still terrified. Please help. Thanks
Breathing problems : Hello, I am 19, never... - Pain Concern
Breathing problems

Perhaps a call to your GP would be a good idea, nobody on a forum can diagnose the problem, if you are worried best to sort it sooner rather than later.
Hi Evan...
Breathing is a rather important issue so get to your doctor or a testing center near you. It could be COVID if you have been around other people in the past couple of weeks. If you happen to have a pulse oximeter (they’re rather inexpensive to buy and have actually saved countless lives since the original much more expensive machines first came out) it will tell you exactly how much your oxygen saturation is in your fingertip—normal range should be in the high 90’s for someone your age in good health. COVID is kinda sneaky in that many people who finally go to the hospital when it’s bad enough are way below the safe zone for oxygen levels and doctors are amazed the people are still chatting in their phones and turning blue. In the other hand, it could be asthma, which can also be serious if not treated. I’m not a doctor, but since my daughter had it when she was very little and the two of us spent every major holiday in an ER or hospital with asthma, I’ve stopped a few parents when I notice their kid was struggling slightly for air. If the base of your neck is sucking in when you’re trying to inhale, you need help. Best wishes and take care.
As others have said, it is a good idea to talk to your GP about this, but remember also that there are loads of other things that this could be. For example there are lots of muscles in the chest and they can be sprained just like any other muscle in the body which results in difficulty in breathing.
U have every reason to be super concerned about ur symptoms..especially when we have a worldwide pandemic happening.I definitely dont think ur being a hypochondriac..ur just aware n concerned about ur health.
I would make an appt with ur doctor asap or go to a clinic.
Id also write down all ur symptoms n concerns big n small,so u dont forget anything in case ur nervous.
Let us know what the docs say.
Best to u
I have been suffering with the same symptoms you have. I feel like I cant get a full deep breath. I find it comes and goes. One day I feel fine then the next I get this feeling again. Like you it doesn't get worse with exertion. Did you manage to get any answers and are you still suffering with this.