Hi everyone, I haven't posted in a long time. 3.5 years ago i had chemotherapy and radiation treatments for cervical cancer and now for the last 18 months ive had nerve pain that seems to be spreading all over my body. Im taking 100mgs lyrica, 300mgs nupentin, 10mgs endep for nerve pain and I also have radiation induced cyctitis so I'm taking hiprex for that and all these meds are increasing my reflux so I take 20mgs of nexium for that. Recently I'm having neck pain, headaches, tinitis and really bad nerve pain in my face. It feels like my head and back are on fire, my head is heavy, my teeth ache and it feels like something is moving under my skin. After that my throat and eyes dry out completely and my throat feels numb. Sometimes I lose my breathe but i do get a bit anxious because it's scaring the crap out of me. PLEASE help me with any suggestions you may have. My neurologists at the hospital are useless and really don't seem to care and I don't know what else to do. I can't take this pain anymore
Neuropathic pain everywhere!: Hi everyone, I... - Pain Concern
Neuropathic pain everywhere!

So sorry to hear this. Hang in there - I know how lonely, debilitating and crushing pain like this can be.
I would suggest that you explain to your GP that you cannot keep going like this. If they recommend a referral to a Pain Clinic, the multi-disciplinary approach here can be really good.
Also there is the Pain Concern helpline and resources on their website.
Best of luck
You are really suffering. It sounds like the medications you’ve been prescribed aren’t helping.
Could you hire a registered nurse consultant who could come with you to appointments?
The anxiousness caused by untreated intractable pain isn’t good for your body or soul. Are you able to sleep?
Don’t give up. I know it’s so unfair that someone in so much pain has to fight so hard to be heard and believed. Be strong and persist.

Hi there, thank you for your post! Apologies to hear about this pain you are experiencing.
It is important for you to go to your GP with these pain concerns, and to highlight exactly where the pain is.
I have linked some resources from the pain concern website, which is for pain which occurs post chemotherapy, which may be useful for you to read through. painconcern.org.uk/resource...
In response to you mentioning about getting breathless and anxious, it is important to try and relax yourself when you feel like this, as stress can increase pain symptoms. I have linked a resource to help with some relaxation techniques. learn.painconcern.org.uk/pl...