I had chest pain for a couple a weeks and today i had a horrible pain in my troat and neck so i dont know what to do and what future symptom i will have
Chest pain: I had chest pain for a couple a... - Pain Concern
Chest pain

Have you been to your A & E or Dr? If you have then great but if not?
Thanks i was in A&E but they dont find anything so they send me to the GP
I’m writing on behalf of my daughter who is now nearly 16 she has suffered since been 12 she has the same problems chest pain , breathing throat pain I often take her to A&E and the find nothing I ever paid private to go to E.N.T put the camera down and found nothing. It’s so unfair to watch anyone go through this but just keep reassuring her she will be ok she takes Naproxen and paracetamol for pain . Really hope you feel better soon
Charl077e & @Andrewtro. I had this too. Checked out fine with my cardiologist. Turned out naproxen (Aleve) was the problem. It was causing acid reflux and stomach problems which manifested as chest pain and stomach pain. When I went off Naproxen my issues went away. On occasion it still crops up, but if I watch my diet (avoid acidic foods; focus on alkaline foods), I’m fine. Maybe worth checking into?
I had a problem like that some time ago ended up with a tube up the nose to check said it would get better. I stopped taking a pill I thought was the cause and it soon went away. But obviously that is not the cause in every case so you need to be checked out.
If you have had these symptoms for more than a week you need to see your doctor asap. It could be something as simple as acid reflux or an ulcer but at the same time if could be angina or coronory heart disease. So firstly don't panic, but make an appointment to see your doctor as soon as possible.