2nd attempt to have colonoscopy cancelled again - Pain Concern

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2nd attempt to have colonoscopy cancelled again

Itsallinthehips profile image
37 Replies

I am absolutely fuming

I am in hospital with stomach condition and awaiting the results of this for treatment.

Last week I couldn’t have it because the doctors hadn’t written that I needed it under general anaesthetic on the referral sheet. I was nil by mouth from 8 in the morning no water no fluids no food as that’s what it means. I get down then and find out they haven’t put the correct information on the paper so it got cancelled. So that was a whole day wasted and a whole day that a severely underweight person went without food or water (me) and had to have an enema which obviously made my stomach problems worse for a few days

yesterday: I’m told everything is set for general anaesthetic the endo nurse come and does the form just as she’s leaving the anaesthetist comes up and screams in her face about having to many patients and not being able to go home on time (on the ward in front of everyone)

Today: nil by mouth again from 6:30 told no painkillers all I could have was an injection of a small amount of morphine (not enough for my pain at all but that’s what the anaesthetist said) put in a gown made to lie on a blue slide sheet all day again no fluids. Had the enema at 2 was told I was going at 3. Asked multiple times what was happening told nothing. At 6 o’clock this evening I was told it had been cancelled by the head nurse and no reason given. Again a wasted day in excruciating pain and no food

All the pain and suffering I’ve gone through to have these and both times not been done. On top of all the 15 complaints I have against the ward I’m on I’m literally at the end of how much I can take

The head nurse is coming back Monday with PALs and the matron to work this out and open investigations that’s all good but what does that so go help me.

I’m now told I have been put on a list for the sister hospital an hour away that will require ambulance transfers there and back and what if I get there and it’s cancelled again if that doesn’t happen I have to wait two more weeks in here to go on the list in two weeks.

I just don’t trust them anymore

Sorry for the long post I needed to rant. Been here a month now and a month away from my little boy a month of being very ill 😢

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Itsallinthehips profile image
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37 Replies
bantam12 profile image

No consolation but it's not an unusual story, my husband was in hospital for 9 weeks and even critically ill on ITU he had urgent procedures cancelled time and again. Unfortunately it's usually staff shortages and emergencies that cause the hold ups.

I hope you get things sorted out next week.

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply to bantam12

Well the head nurse of the hospital said it’s not and is opening an investigation into it and the fact of what the (head) anaesthetist did and said on the ward the day before.

It’s not down to short staffed it’s down to incompetence that’s the problem

bantam12 profile image
bantam12 in reply to Itsallinthehips


johnadams profile image
johnadams in reply to Itsallinthehips

The anaesthetist will pull rank - and he can. Who is a nurse to question him? If he is giving you an anaesthetic why do you need more than the small amount of morphine he was planning on giving?

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply to bantam12

And I was meant to go home next week my poor boy has gone 4 weeks without his mum and is playing up now because of it.

And I grantee it won’t happen as they will have a full list already and won’t be able to arrange the ambulance with a stretcher to take me there and back that day all within 4 days as no one works here at the weekend just skeleton staff

in reply to Itsallinthehips

Take good care of you xx

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply to

I wish I could lol I’m going to ask to take control of my own meds sick of asking then 10 times and getting them 2 hours hours thanks though x

in reply to Itsallinthehips

Can you do that when your in hospital xx

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply to

The head nurse said she’s going to disuse it with the matron I did in my other hospital. At the end of the day I’m not a child I do it at home and I’m sick to death of being in so much pain I’m crying and sweating because there are idiot HCAs and 1 nurse to 12 patients it’s stupid. I can do my tablets myself it’s just my iv sickness they need to do

in reply to Itsallinthehips

I didn't realise you could do that but if that's an option I would go for it rather than day in day out they are late with your medication you know when to take it obviously they don't


Pips04 profile image
Pips04 in reply to

Good god thats dreadful and you’re the one suffering bless you but great to hear that it’s been taken further. I would refuse to go without anything until you have a guarantee that it will be done that day. You’re right you have to take care of your own medication, they’re not concerned but it’s your pain and you’re suffering so do exactly what you do at home. Is there any chance that you could go private ? this situation is too stressful for you and the last thing you need. Look out for yourself and I pray it will get sorted, try writing down what you’re feeling and have it ready for the meeting, don’t hold back love and hugs Pip xx

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply to Pips04

I’m on disability with a young child private is not even slightly an option lol x

Emma2017 profile image

You have a right to rant. Good lord it’s too much to go through for most people. Just don’t understand that demented anaesthetist, I mean he works in healthcare which is not a 9 to 5 job. It’s disgusting to shout like that. If you are allowed to take care of your own meds than you should go for that without a shadow of a doubt. Hope things get sorted soon. In the meantime rant all you like on here, we’re here for you x

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply to Emma2017

Found out he cancelled it himself and went home at 4 . Just disgusting

Emma2017 profile image
Emma2017 in reply to Itsallinthehips

He is clearly in the wrong job. Should be a part time warehouse man with no interaction needed.

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply to Emma2017

Even men with this jobs don’t finish until late some don’t finish until 8

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply to Emma2017

With those jobs*

Emma2017 profile image
Emma2017 in reply to Itsallinthehips

Exactly, that guy was disgusting.

johnadams profile image
johnadams in reply to Emma2017

So what if he was the on call anaesthetist from the night before - and it was unusually busy ? Why should he work significantly late for non emergencies - maybe he hasn't opted out of the european working hours directive,

Emma2017 profile image
Emma2017 in reply to johnadams

And what if he was not? And why could he not even be bothered telling the patient himself who had been waiting all day! The actions speak of somebody without any empathy whatsoever and of somebody who should not be in a caring job.

johnadams profile image
johnadams in reply to Emma2017

I'd be glad an unsafe anaesthetist didn't put me under tbh - and be grateful for him to say something. At the end of the day he may have had a funeral to go to, or anything - and made it clear to management before.

Emma2017 profile image
Emma2017 in reply to johnadams

He sounds unprofessional and without empathy. Whether or not he is incompetent is something we don’t know. He clearly did not have a funeral to go to at the end of the day. He could have come and talked to the patient that had been waiting all day but chose to shout like a lunatic to a nurse. Very iffy if you ask me. Having said all that he sounds like an unpleasant guy and I would rather he did not put me under.

johnadams profile image
johnadams in reply to Emma2017

You are right - maybe it is for the best. If he can just walk out on his patients - who knows what shortcuts he might take during the sedation/anaesthesia. Best to have someone who is competent and wants to be there.

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply to johnadams

He didn’t he just left because he didn’t want to work. Don’t know why you keep posting shitty replies to my posts but please kindly stop or I will have to block you

johnadams profile image
johnadams in reply to Itsallinthehips

maybe there is more to consider then you do. Anyway lets see what this head nurse does. The clue is probably not a lot.

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply to johnadams

She’s done a lot actually. What is your problem

johnadams profile image
johnadams in reply to Itsallinthehips

okay, but it is still a case of pulling rank. A nurse can't tell a doctor what to do.

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply to johnadams

What are you even talking about

Krawlins profile image

Oh gosh, this is awful, I really feel for you. It’s a disgrace it’s been cancelled twice in your condition. I’m glad PALS is involved, I hope you are not kept waiting too much longer for the procedure. Kay xx

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply to Krawlins

1-2 weeks If they can fit me in and one is at another hospital an hour away

Paneman profile image

It seems the days of when you can find a doctor you can trust, that truly cares and will champion his/her patients care as it most important, these days seem to be in the past.

Paneman profile image

Your rant was fine, I'm new to this site. And like many I'm in pain and lacking clarity on what is going on. Listening and reading of others in the same or similar boat allows me to realize I'm not alone. Thanks I hope you get to the bottom of what's going on and soon.

Artist1956 profile image

You poor thing. This is an awful tale! I don't know where you are. I am in the states. It sounds like you are too sick to be without hydration for days at a time. I will be thinking of you. Blessed be.

Itsallinthehips profile image

I found out why it was cancelled. The anaesthetist cancelled it and went home at four. So he’s had 4 different complaints made against his now not just by me. Apparently he’s a right arse anyway so he better get a written warning for this at the very least I am absolutely fuming and disgusted

Itsallinthehips profile image

Also at 1am Friday night I spiked a temp of 40.5 Celsius along with other nasty symptoms so now being treated for that this is the first time I’ve even been able to look at my phone . My poor boy can’t even see me and all staff have to wear masks around me 😔 life in here gets better and better

Pips04 profile image
Pips04 in reply to Itsallinthehips

I feel so awful for you it’s just not fair or right it’s outrageous and I hope your anaesthetist gets fired or at least has an investigation started to have him fired. It’s just incredible that this is happening ! Do your nurses talk to you or listen to you ? You need people who will listen and do something for you, all I can say is we are always here fighting with you so never feel alone we do care for you so much so please keep us updated lots of love Pip x

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply to Pips04

Nope this ward is god awful. I’ve got head nurse PALs etc involved now and I’m consultant is thinking of moving me to the other hospital so I can get things done quicker as it’s the actual surgical hospital, here everything stops at 5 and weekends well no one is even here lol

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