Just wanted to say thank you to you all - Pain Concern

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Just wanted to say thank you to you all

Itsallinthehips profile image
29 Replies

This last week you’ve all kept me occupied with talking to me and showing what a real community of strong people we are together who support each other!

We might not have our pain under control but we can try and make the best of it.

I know this is for pain related stuff but I thought every now and then we could have a bit of a silly question just to lighten all our spirits, as a few of you said you liked my question and even turned into a bit of a game of thrones debate and I know it helped me not concentrate on my pain as much or being stuck in here for another 2/3 weeks.

So if you have anything you want to ask or start off the silly light hearted conversation please do!

Thank you everyone x

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Itsallinthehips profile image
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29 Replies

Well said, you've kept me entertained all week so any time you wanna chat madness I'm here!!!

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply to

Thank you Hun!

in reply to Itsallinthehips

No problemo, I've some madness for ya, have u seen all the msgs about all the stress we've been put through with the DWP appeals, tribunals but have you noticed those little stinking people who LIE and can walk into an assessment pass with flying colours and yet we go through hell the ones telling the TRUTH 🤔

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply to

No I’ve not seen those messages but I’ve witnessed it first hand a few years ago

in reply to Itsallinthehips

Oh god it's really bad where I live my city has been on TV going undercover and the things that they were going on with it was unreal and got so mad its because of those people who make it harder for us


Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply to

Yeah it’s those types of people that are eventually going to get our money taken off us to live x

in reply to Itsallinthehips

I've not told many people but I did actually report someone I saw a man in the assessment centre and my mum noticed a man hobbling about my mother felt sorry for him but I noticed that there was just something about the way he was moving I just couldn't put my finger on it but then about 2 days later I was sat in the community garden next to my house and my mum pointed someone out to if recognised someone and low and behold it was him no stick no limp he was almost speed walking!!! and now he's had miracle recovery! sorry but had to do it xx

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply to

Good on you that’s disgusting! I just don’t understand how people get away with stuff like that at all I really don’t

in reply to Itsallinthehips

I'm telling you it's disgusting them people make harder for us we're in agony and there laughing cos they're getting an extra couple quid in do believe in karma though 🤔

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply to

Yeah karma is a CU*T and will hit them hard at some point

in reply to Itsallinthehips


Emma2017 profile image
Emma2017 in reply to

Good on you. I despise those low live scumbags. Just too lazy to work for a living so they instead steal thereby making it harder for those of us that really need it.

You know what, I just realised what GOT is which you mentioned on the other thread. Stupid me it’s of course Game of Thrones duh. Yes I have seen that but only up to season 6 so far.

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply to Emma2017

Oh god you shouldn’t of read all the stuff we talked about then HUGE spoiler alerts 🙈😂

Emma2017 profile image
Emma2017 in reply to Itsallinthehips

I did not 😁

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply to Emma2017

Lol that’s good then. I wouldn’t read the news either tomorrow if the final to end all finals lol

in reply to Emma2017

Oh thanks Emma, it really gets my back up (mind the punt) that people can make a mockery of the system just so that they can claim extra benefits!! you'll see with crutches and the next day their running for a bus what a joke!!!!!!!


Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply to

I don’t get how people get away with it though as you need evidence so what do they do for that lol

in reply to Itsallinthehips

Well said..

in reply to Itsallinthehips

Yeah.. and we get raked over the coals on our real med stuff we are truly suffering with!!

in reply to

That really sends me into a rage when these damn morons decide to fake crap and all of us suffer daily. In the long run I believe in Karma..what goes around comes around. I used to say stuff now in my head I just say Karma!!!

Busybeelady profile image
Busybeelady in reply to Itsallinthehips

Yes, it annoys me. I'm in the age group of women who have to wait until they're 66 to get state pension. I have another 6 years to work! But am already knacked with arthritis! So have to struggle on and work through pain, depression, etc. I'm off on sick at min with my back as I can hardly walk,

But it scares the hell out of me, the thought that I have to struggle on for another 6 years. I have thought about claiming pip, but have been told unless you are practically bed bound, you won't get it!.

I struggle everyday with pain. Takes me ages In the morning to get out of bed and get ready, I can't get in Bath anymore, so just have showers, can't go walking any more, coz can't walk far, can't even cut my own toe nails!

But have to work another 6 years! It's a joke

Georgiab123 profile image
Georgiab123 in reply to Busybeelady

Hi my health is the same exhausting but iv got 2 years before I’m 66 and retire, iv tried for pip but got nothing, my daughter came with me so she said we are going to appeal

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply to Georgiab123

Yeah basically They same if you able to work you don’t need the money it’s pretty outrageous. I’m bedbound crutches wheelchair the lot and only get 80 a month lol

in reply to Georgiab123

Hello and good evening, make sure you do (Appeal) these people saying we're fit to work really don't have a clue what it is for people who have a long term illness xx

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply to

Yeah it’s torture and not fair at all! And they are starting to realise that now so definitely appeal x

Busybeelady profile image

No, a bit of banter about other things reminds us all that we are not just about our pain, or weight loss, or our mental health problems, that we do have other interests, and are actually fabulous interesting warriors!!

Since Im really good at the silly stuff....Itsallinthehips….have u ever wondered if horrible hospital food would stick to the walls in a hospital room if u chucked at them?? Just a thought, lol lol.... Ive been in MANY hospitals and haven't done that one yet, lol. Hospital food in the US tastes worse than what airplane food used to taste like. I wonder if patients made the people that cook that crap eat it.. would they???? I think they just feed it to us so we don't stay, ?? lol. Let me/us know if u tried my theory!!!!

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply to

😂😂😂 do you know what’s funny my consultant said I can do what I want with my room except paint the walls lol he never said I could cover the walls in food 🤷‍♀️

in reply to Itsallinthehips

Ok... ready aim fire.....who knows.. u could land up making a creation on the wall with the hospital hospital food that could resemble someone famous?? lol.. then u could sell it on ebay.. u would be famous, lol Happy chucking!!

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