Hi I’m looking at the possibility that our local village Gp surgery is closing unless the retiring doctor finds a replacement to take over. And I wondering has anyone else had to change doctors? And since I’m on a lot of medication I’m worried that I would run out of medicine by the time I need them do you have to “jump through hoops” to get them? or is it a switch of details to the new surgery that might be some way from us. I have various health conditions such as chronic pain and asthma are the main ones.
Changing Gp’s: Hi I’m looking at the... - Pain Concern
Changing Gp’s

We are in the process of changing GP surgeries, and I have also been chair of our old surgery's Patient Participation Group and worked with the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) so I have a bit of behind the scenes experience here.
First of all, the CCG is responsible for commissioning all GP surgeries, so if one surgery closes down because the last standing GP has retired, it is the responsibility of the CCG to make sure that all patients have access to a GP surgery. So there will be something put in place and letters will be written to patients to explain where they will have to go. There is likely to be a managed switch from one surgery to the other, so your notes including your medication will follow you.
We are in a slightly different situation of deciding to leave one surgery, and go to a different one. We are in a village between two towns so we are switching to the surgery in the other town.
What I did was renew and pick up all our medications then immediately sign on to the next surgery, knowing that I had a month's worth of medication to see me through. I took the prescription slips with me so that they could see exactly what we were on in case the files took some time to catch up with us (which they have been lately, as the NHS outsourced GP medical note logistics to Capita). So the new GP when we see him will be able to add from the prescription lists all the drugs that my son and I are using, even if our medical notes aren't on the system yet.
So don't worry, it can be done, and if your surgery closes there will be support for you to change to the new one. It might be a good idea to start asking around now though, to find out what other surgeries there are and what they are like, because no two surgeries are run the same. GP surgeries are owned by and run by the GPs, not the NHS. Although that is starting to change, especially when GPs retire!
When you register with a new GP it usually takes up to 2 weeks for notes to transfer to them from your old GP. They tend to renew the first script and then might want an appointment with you the next time to review your current case plan. The NHS website will show you which GP's are in your catchment.
Good luck
Hi I am in Australia where we can go to any GP we want to anytime, so I may not be much help. However your medical history should remain in the surgery and the new GP will know what you are being prescribed.
Thanks everyone for your kind replies I will just see what happens.