Hello all I’ve been paranoid and obsessed for years about my appendix bursting. Every time I go somewhere away from home I always check hospitals nearby just in case. Since I suffer from IBS I get a lot abdominal pain and I always panic that something is awfully wrong. Anyone else has anything similar?
Appendix: Hello all I’ve been paranoid and... - Pain Concern

I don’t have what you have. But a while back I had saver pains so I had to drink that white drink and then they take a picture of my stomach they said it wasn’t my appendix because they couldn’t find it.
My parents are both gone so I asked my older sister and she told me I still had my appendix told my doctor and she said it must have been hiding. But I do understand pain because I have kidney stones and a few years back I was going to drive from Massachusetts to North Carolina so some people get there cars check there cars I on the other hand had my kidneys ultrasound so no stones where not going to move to try to leave my kidneys. I do understand your fear.
Hello. This sounds very concerning to you. Have you looked at asking for some CBT or other kind of talking therapy? I found CBT very good. Got me out the house again in only a few weeks! Good luck.
If you travel frequently to third world countries, it might be prudent to have an elective laparoscopic Appendectomy and then you would not have to worry.
Well having had stomach problems most of my life, I never worried about my appendix, I had ulcerative colitis when I was in my early twenties, and other problems, and I did suffer with a abcess on my appendix in my mid forties and needed emergency surgery, now from a positive outlook I'm in my mid fifties, but while you have ibs I wouldn't even worry about your appendix, it sounds like you have something in your head that you think you'll get problems with it, of course if you need surgery for an appendix operation you'll be fine, but you shouldn't worry about the what "ifs" I've got a feeling your fairly young, and getting this fixation in your head will cause your ibs to be a little more active, don't worry yourself about something that has not happened, and enjoy life, put your head on a pillow and sleep easy, and even if you did need any operation I'm living proof that it's not the end of the world, so enjoy life, friends, family etc and put all the negative feelings to one side, you'll be fine.
Hello Stephanie , I had my appendix taken out years ago. Please don't panic if you eat foods rich in fiber and take care of your colon you should be fine. I wasn't eating right during that time and I was stressing out working at a job I didn't like but I remember eating pizza 3 times out of the week and wasn't exercising. My symptoms were fever, contraction like pain in my abdomen and vomiting. I really wish I had my appendix but Im am still a productive happy human being. Im sending you hugs and wish you great health!