Recently had blood test for bone profile (painful cramps in calf muscle) result.35 mmol/L adjusted same Is this ok? Find Google check confusing!
Serum calcium: Recently had blood test for bone... - Pain Concern
Serum calcium
If that is adjusted calcium that is very low. See a dr and demand teeatment. Cramp can also be caused by lack of salt and dehydration. Quinine helps and can be found in bitter lemon and pills from your dr.
Bovril or a bag of ready salted could help with salt.
Hi, found an old reading which gave corrected lab range as 2.10 -2.65 - same as serum level so i think all is well. perhaps you were looking at level in other units which does come in the 9s.35 converts to 9.4. Thanks for tip re. salt, don't do Bovril but enjoy ready salted often so again all should be well. i am just a worry wart!
If you have not been given treatment then its fine,assuming you saw a doctor for the result(,im a nurse), as stated below re adjusted theres your actual serum level qnd your 'corrected''.Deficiencies in any minerald onky cause symptomz when CLINICALY BELOW OR ABOVE the required level,the lab highlights this when providing a report for a doctor.
On a daiky basis individual mineral balance varies,this is a clear scientific issue,not pseudoscience,so, If youve seen a dr the result has been check obe by a Biochemist,then, 2nd a dr
Leg cramps qre usually related to other factors
General advice is that supplents of calcium are not needed and cqn actual be harmful, causing imbalances of other minerald the perils of Self diagnosis / internet educated pseudoscience,that iz why google is cinfusing,you needed the vast knowledge of the whole picture,ie a degree in biochemistry to understand
I will say that ( factually)anyone concerned re your calcium level (please note higher leveks dont meam goid bones!) . a vitamin d check ( If you live on northern hemisphere especially) might be advisable,its needed to absorb it,in the Uk theres a huge level of Deficiencey,indoor lifestyles/ work patterns,and of course not much sun.
Also,Leg cramps can be anything frim musculqr to cardiovascular in origin,sio If persisntant and troublesome do go back,but keep a diary of then for a week 1st, inform the clinician of the patternz etc