Neurologist told me most likely my pain in and around my face and neck was neuralgia and prescribed me gabapentin. Has anyone taken this drug and what were side effects? I dont really like taking medication but I'm willing to try if it will help me out.
Gabapentin for trigeminal neuralgia - Pain Concern
Gabapentin for trigeminal neuralgia

The neurologist has accessed your symptoms and made a diagnosis. The neurologist then prescribed pain killer.
See a McTimony chiropractor. Neurologists have very little understanding of muscle pressure on nerves and how this can lead to pain.
Facial muscles and nerves feed into the spine. Spinal misalignment can apply pressure on these nerves leading to referred pain. If the chiropractor shows that they can reduce the pain or remove it altogether then you need to see an Alexander Teacher.
An Alexander teacher will enable you to see how what you do can cause the pain and discomfort you are in and enable you to become more aware of how to do things in away that prevents the causing of pain.
I have given you some ideas for investigation. I may be right, or I may be wrong. Pain killers are not going to solve the problem, and they could make the problem many times worse. For the simple reason the lack of sensation could enable you to injure nerves without you being aware of it.
I haven't taken the medication yet because I'm not even sure if his diagnosis is right. The people with this neuralgia seem to be in a lot of pain or have specific triggers and feelings in the face mine started in my neck and I told him that but he said no it wasnt. I wanted a cervical spine mri and he said it wasnt necessary. I feel like I'm back at square one. I was looking into a chiropractor too. I think that's going to be my next move.
If you are in the UK you may have grounds for complaint. You have given him symptoms. He did not check before making a diagnosis. Speak to your GP they must have a list of relevant specialists you can be referred to.
GPs cannot refer for MRI. So they have to refer to consultant who then makes referral. Chiropractor can give opinion which you can take to GP.
dont take them, read what it says about them, lots of side effects that can cours other problems