Hi guys I’ve been prescribed pregablin for my PBS painful bladder syndrome. The thing is I feel like I am a zombie trying to work is becoming very had as I drive a lot in my job . PBS means I have holes in my bladder . I find I am spending my life asleep in bed can any one recommend a nerve block with no sleeping side affects x
Pain relief : Hi guys I’ve been prescribed... - Pain Concern
Pain relief

Hi I’m on pregablin and I think that it will settle down soon and you won’t get the side effects. I have never heard of PBS poor you. Would it be better for you to have your bladder removed or is there a solution for the holes.....excuse my ignorance x
Hi maisey04,
My dr put me on gabapentin 2 weeks ago, I have another chronic illness that already causes me lethargy so I was near on comatose taking these, I suppose they are similar to pregabalin, I have osteopenia in my hip and two prolapsed discs middle to lower back
I cant work as i am in pain And do not know how my mobility will be from one day to next.
I stopped taking them after a week so back to my drs to ask for referral to pain management clinic.
I am sorry to hear of your conditon, I have never heard of it ..bet it's awful. 😏. Go back and speak to the dr , o know pain is awful to be in but to be made to feel drunk 24/7 is just not the right path for me .. Hope you get better soon. X
Hi there. I haven’t been able to tolerate any of these meds tbh - but Amitriptyline was the best - as long as I took it early enough in the night - say by 9pm - then in bed by 10pm.

Oh really ? .im glad to hear it's not just me , my daughter has fibromyalgia, she is on 300mg 3x a day of gabapentin but even she has started to wean off them skowly, just cannot cope with 3 children it's ridiculous. Thank you for sharing twitchytoes. 😊
I don’t have Fibro but have Sjögren’s, Hashimoto’s and degenerative disc disease. The reason I came off Amitriptyline after 3 years was because it made my Sjögren’s dryness so much worse and caused palpitations. Otherwise it really helped - especially with my bladder problems (recurring UTIs and Interstitial Cystitis). I have been given Pregabalin to take now but have never dared to try it!

Oh wow, I have read a lot on all these nerve blocker meds, quite a few have said how over several years the dose had to be increased as the body got used to them, one lady took gabapentin for 7 years and has now been slowly taken off them as they no longer help the pain,.I'm more for pain management myself if I can get a referral, physio made me worse, must be awful for you , I can totally relate to what you are saying..

What strength are you on? I've been prescribed 10 mg
Hi Maisey, I am on pregabalin. I was in a zombie like state for a while, I think it took me 2 to 3 weeks to get used to them. The feeling of drowsiness does pass and the drug is one of very few to help with nerve pain. Amytriptiline did not do it for me or gabapentin, had issues with both. But maybe one of those 2 works better for you if you do not improve with the drowsiness on pregabalin.
I was asleep for a couple of weeks when I started on Gabapentin (related to Pregabalin). It wore off after that.
That's ecactky how I was , but i cannot stand being comatose, I suffer with my sleep as it is due to chronic illness.
I stopped taking them, I am refusing pregabalin as it will be the same and amyltrptaline I can't take as I am on sertraline antidepressant 🙄.
Setraline togethet with another anti depressant increases the drowsiness. Now pregabalin and gabapentin were originally given as anti depressants before their effectiveness as nerve pain medication was discovered. Hence your near comatose feelings. I suppose amytriptiline will be just the same.
Hi Emma2017,
Well i am baffled to be honest as to why my dr (bearing in mind he is new) as I had to move in Feb this year to ground floor property with no steps, gave me gabapentin in the first place, he knows what other meds I am taking but I dont think he has fully taken in to consideration my chronic illness that also makes me sleepy and or lethargic, so to be made to feel comatose is not needed.
I will continue with heat pads which is ny on impossible in the hot weather.
Pain management clinic is what I need as that is what my occupational therapist wrote and told him . Thank you for your reply. 😊
Yes I am with a pain consultant who always takes into consideration the interaction of all medication. So that would be a step forward for you. Just tell your GP that you would like to be referred to a pain clinic.