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Renh profile image
10 Replies

Hi everyone I'm new to your community.

I'm a 38year old long term chronic pain sufferer after a suicide attempt causing trauma (I jumped 3 stories) almost 10 years ago. I Have been on Targin twice daily and I'm currently having my dose lowered as my Dr wants me to come off them.....after 8years but 2 weeks in on just 15 instead of 20 and I'm beside myself. I can barely function let alone be a mother or wife! I feel like I'm being treated like a drug addict and I don't have a choice but I can't live in this pain.....any advice or other medications that could be help me that the Fr might be happier with? I don't know what to do anymore.

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Renh profile image
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10 Replies
Bananas5 profile image

Hello Renh and welcome to this excellent pain site.

Members have so many different conditions but all chronic pain sufferers and all with a wide knowledge of meds.

Unusual meds you take...what strength are you on?

They are usually prescribed when others have not worked. Have you tried other methods of pain relief or been referred to pain clinic?


shortandround profile image

Targin are just oxycodone/naloxone - marketed as targinact in the UK.

Can you ask to see a different Dr, or pain specialist first ? Also maybe some adjuncts would help.



waylay profile image

Are you on any anti-depressants? SNRI's (e.g. Duloxetine) and Tricyclics (e.g. Amitriptaline) can help with many types of chronic pain. The side effects can be bad (for some people), and the discontinuation syndrome from SNRI's can be awful (for some people), but you don't know unless you try.

Gabapentin and Pregabalin were originally used for epilepsy, but it turns out that they can also useful for chronic pain. Some people have bad side effects and discontinuation syndromes, but others don't.

I take Venlafaxine and Gabapentin, along with Lamotrigine, which has a minor effect on pain. I was prescribed the Venlafaxine and Lamotrigine for depression and anxiety, but when I began to have chronic pain the pain clinic were very pleased that I was already on them. I was prescribed Gabapentin for pain, but can only tolerate 300mg, or I sleep 23 hours/24.

shortandround profile image
shortandround in reply to waylay

It is very interesting that you were not prescribed pregabalin for anxiety seeing as it licensed and has many studies backing it up.

Venlafaxine at a low dose is a SSRI and higher doses a SNRI - so often higher doses need to be taken as SNRI’s are far more beneficial for pain then SSRI’s. Duloxetine is a bit more balanced and perhaps more used in pain conditions.

May I ask why you remain on the gabapentin seeing as 300mg is way below any dose needed for a neuraputic action.

waylay profile image
waylay in reply to shortandround

It seems to be having an effect. I went off of it and noticed that my sciatica was worse, so I went back on it and it got a bit better again. *shrug* I seem to be very sensitive to most meds.

shortandround profile image
shortandround in reply to waylay

Maybe its psychological as it is way below a theraputic dose, but if it helps then that is brilliant.

waylay profile image
waylay in reply to shortandround

So long as it's working, I'm happy. :)

Chelle672017 profile image

Omg..I am so sorry.. I know what constant pain is but to make a long story short er..Lol. I use to take methadone and dilaudid and ambien and lorazepam. Was also just on fentanyl patches for two years. My mother died of an accidental overdose, my dad followed her 7 months later. Of again mixing wrong meds.

I have had so many surgeries and infections I used a power chair all the time, docs wanted me off loading . Lost both big toes all the way behind joints due to bone infection. That sucked . I never realized how important those toes are to your balance. I have horrible neuropathy caused from initially failed back fusion surgery.because they went thru my stomach it weakened abdominal wall and have had five hernia surgeries and just in April of 2015 a abdominal reconstruction fixing the horrible mesh that embedded into my organs. A hip to hip cut...ouch 39cm...needed two more after that. I then decided wtf I have had ENOUGH! So I have been rehabbing hard I'm off all pain meds with the exception of 5-6 oxycodone fast release.a day. I only use power chair if I know I'm walking distance. I swim everyday for thirty minutes, yoga,modified to suit me stretching. And an hour a day. I garden not a lot but a little. And reading(getting a kindle) and listening to books is helping to distract from pain.

I've done injections which were helpful at first. But this is it .it's what I got. So I will not let pain beat me. I am jumping outta an airplane this July , knocking it off my bucket list. Getting off all that medicine was the best thing for me. Now that doesn't mean I might need more later but I'm learning less is more now. It works for me. I also use cannabis.. that is amazing.

My hubby and I just celebrated our 30th anniversary. Most importantly I have his support , help and tons of back rubs. He's been amazing.

So if I remember correctly isn't your med the same as mine only with narcanin it?

You didn't say why they are taking you off ..if it's done super gentle and slow its not as hard on you. If they are just taking you off cause of the freak out mode all doctors went into then you find yourself a better doc. Being physically dependent on opioids is not addiction!! It doesn't make us all addicts. There is a big difference. And if you are being treated like that you stand up for yourself! Every patient has their story and if you have documented medical necessity to use a narcotic and it works . Then find another doc. I'm fortunate enough to have a caring medical team taking care of me. I had to prove myself and jump through hoops, which is b.s. but I did everything and more to show that quality of life is important. Cannabis works you never said what state you live in. This isn't about what your doctor wants anyway. He/she should work with you it's about what course of treatment works for you. Getting off a narcotic can be extremely uncomfortable but find something to distract you. Swimming helps..and be super pro active.. every case is different and doctors should treat us accordingly. If you have never abused your meds and you take them right the doctor has no reason to take you off them. Good luck I will be praying for you

Blessings and hugs.........Chelle

waylay profile image
waylay in reply to Chelle672017

My God! I'm so sorry to hear how much you've had to go through!

Chelle672017 profile image

Sorry.I meant to mention I take gabapentin for nerve pain and ropinaril for restless legs. Check to see if your doc is ok with hydroxizine(vistaril). They use it for anxiety it also helps with nausea and intense neuropathic itch. Fairly harmless my doctor says. Have you gone to a pain clinic? They are better suited to deal with pain than regular primary care doc. Take care!!

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