Hello Everyone
I've come to feeling stuck. I have had persistent back, joint pain and headaches over 15 years it has affected my quality of life as birthday and special occasions have been spent grinning-grimacing through the pain! I've had mixed experiences with doctors and have lost faith to a certain extent with them. I have been sent to physios, a couple of whom have been patronising asking me to show exercises they have set, whilst having their back turned to me printing out more exercises! I've had a doctor say to me 'you don't help yourself, you don't excericise' whilst not having asked me in the first place if I did do exercise! I had an MRI 5 years ago which showed an L5 disc problem and schmolles nodes. Recently I have had shooting pains in my hips. On recommedation of the occ. health doctor I asked recently to have another scan (I would like to see if there any changes in my back) and this was brushed off. I asked can I see a specialist, to which the reply was 'What do you mean a specialist' the physios are who you need to see- they are specialists' I was upset and in the end just thought 'whatever'. After brushing of my request to see a specialist she told me to do my exercises...without asking me if I had been doing exercises! As it happens I've been trying to sort out my back pain by going to the gym but injured myself after an exercise and was left on/off without feeling in my leg for a month and a half. I go swimming but this often ends up once a week because I have to get someone to look after my daughter and it depends on how inflamed I am as to how much good it does me. I went to a pilates class which was a big mistake I had to have time off work after each session because of increased pain. I've also tried belly dancing without success as it gave me a lot of pain afterwards-(I know this was because /i hadn't warmed up enough though), I tried tai chi and got knee pain. I have privately paid for physio and osteopath sessions but can't afford to keep doing this. Im seriously considering hading in my notice at work because being a library assistant it is semi manual work and it doesn't help I get stiffer throughout the day. Im not really sure what to do..., what I can ask for from the doctor-I don't think they realise just how disabling back pain can be or just how much it affects quality of life and added complication is that I have had gastritus three times and was recommended no to take NSAIDS-though this recent visit I was precribed naproxen albeit with omeprazole (to help withstomach acid). What has others' experiences who have back pain been like in regards to doctors?