ESA assessment AGAIN feeling upset πŸ˜• - Pain Concern

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ESA assessment AGAIN feeling upset πŸ˜•

Winniepooh1976 profile image
β€’13 Replies

Hi all

I have got another assessment for ES A every time it needs updating I have to have a face to face. I have depression and chronic pain I have to see a psychologist weekly for trauma therapy. I am due Review my meds as I currently take morphine Tramodol anti depressants and amitriptyline every day. I spends days at a time bed bound what can they want to know?

I understand they need to weed out anyone who isn't entitled to help but why do I have to tell them what they have information from medical professionals about!? I have my PIP form to fill in also does anyone else feel the same frustration asme? I gets upset about my health and how limited my life has become. I always worked and warned a good wage why anyone would choose a life on benefits constantly being checked up on is beyond me. How this degrading intrusion into every part of my life. My explaining time after time my illness and how it effects me. The anxiety waiting to find out the decision is one thing the assessment the icing on a massive stress cake! Anyone else feel the same way have a rant share you thoughts and stories a problem shared...

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Winniepooh1976 profile image
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13 Replies
Cat33 profile image

I'm so sorry that it affects you so badly and I can understand how you feel but you mustn't beat yourself up like this everytime Go in there head held high knowing you have always earnt a good wage and made your NI contributions and you are fully entitled to these benefits Put yourself in anothers shoes say you had a colleague who you knew worked hard that suddenly through no fault of their own became incapacitated to work Would you look at them with disgust and think how degrading to claim benefits ? No you wouldn't you would be encouraging them and wishing them well I can well imagine it is very stressful waiting to hear the outcome but you haven't been turned down before and your GP knows the pain you are in plus you are seeing the psychologist for trauma therapy I can really recommend Dr Claire Weekes books they are so comforting she writes as if she is beside you and says no matter how depressed you feel now you can and will recover

This is a new you now Winniepooh you have enough to deal with your pain and these assessments are not going to upset you anymore the mindfulness I'm sure will help you too It teaches you to live in the moment and not catatrophise future outcomes of things

Take care and wishing you all the very best X

Winniepooh1976 profile image
Winniepooh1976 in reply to Cat33

Thank you so much cat33 your so right I would not judge anyone on there bad health and whether they could work or not.

I worked from been 14 babysitting then at 16in a fruit market for my first job job. I think it is the vulnerable position been reliant on benefits make it difficult to be confident as it feels they hold all the cards . I will look up Claire Weekes books I had a awful time my mum died she was an alcoholic living between the streets and hostels. I had to identify her and had begged her to give up the booze. In the end she told me she hated me and would physically attack me on sight. I cannot even start to mourn her as the guilt I feel for not stopping her decline is so strong. I then just feel massively sad and at times angry. Other stuff have happened to me and now I just feel done tired and unable to find any fight in me. Your kind words mean a lot I will not let the assessment make me feel unworthy just wait till I read up on mindfulness they won't know what has hit them☺ x

Cat33 profile image
Cat33 in reply to Winniepooh1976

Ooooh don't you ever feel unworthy my sweet heart Let's knock them for six xxxxxxxx😊😊😊😊😊😊

Cat33 profile image
Cat33 in reply to Winniepooh1976

I'm sorry I couldn't reply fully we had family coming for the day our eldest son and family it was bliss

Oh my goodness what an awful time you have had My mum was evil to me but not like yours I'm sorry but this has got to be your time now and to start living a life you want You seem to me a lovely lovely person and you need to get the life you so deserve I'm here whenever you need a chat πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

Winniepooh1976 profile image
Winniepooh1976 in reply to Cat33

Thank you for your kind words I am glad you have had a blissful day my lot 21 yr daughter and 4 sons 20 yr 19 yr and 6 yr all know they have to be at the table for the Sunday roast. So tomorrow is my favourite day 😊

Cat33 profile image
Cat33 in reply to Winniepooh1976

Aww what a fab family have a fantastic day together x

stampede187 profile image

Have you been advised by your own doctors that your pain/condition is unlikely to improve or even to deteriorate further? They need to know. Let the ESA doctor know exactly how repeated assessment makes you feel and that they are causing you additional pain and distress.

I had a similar experience when initially on ESA, and they were able to stop further need for assessments once they were convinced that my condition and pain was more likely to worsen than improve. I now no longer have regular assessments and still receive the benefit. Could I suggest asking your anaesthetist (or relevant consultant) to provide a letter explaining that your pain and condition will not improve over time and that the assessments cause unnecessary pain and distress. Your psychologist could also do the same. Dont lose hope that they may stop the need for continuous assessment. I understand how disrupting, stressful and frustrating the process is; just be polite and answer their repeated questions and be honest about how unnecessary and distressing the process is.

I am sure they will come around with the additional backup from your own doctors. If you receive DLA or PIP, this can help you also, to backup your request. Take care and don't lose hope. I will pray that you get a positive result.

Winniepooh1976 profile image
Winniepooh1976 in reply to stampede187

Thank so much not last surgery cut away scar tissue that had fused my ovary and bowel. After that I was told unless organ fusion happened again he would not operate. So my scar tissue is still causing me daily pain some days are agony. My GP said my condition will not improve and they have no idea if it will worsen. It has the last year I have had to introduce morphine x4 hourly and Tramodol until I go to pain clinic. I receive PIP and have that form to redo. I get cross with myself for letting them stress me out but at the moment weekly trauma therapy plus pain clinic plus daily pain and trying to stay in 4 Tramodol from 6 and nights spent awake in pain seems enough to deal with.

I will ask my psychologist to put something in writing but my last surgery was a few years back I would know where to start.

Thanks again hope you are enjoying your weekend x

allofatremor profile image

It is awful what they put people through especially the genuine poor disabled people who are wheelchair bound, lonely individuals on their own who can’t get transport.

The thing is from my experience not for me, but a family member who is severely mentally impaired.

When they changed DLA to PIP, he was expected to reapply for this benefit even though he had it from birth, and he was 59yrs old when he had to reapply.

It was cruel, and very distressing, he can’t read or write, or understand anything as we would, and yet it had to be done.

What I would say is this, if you are in so much pain you are in bed a lot of the time, you can say that you cannot attend because you are unable to, and I know from past experience Amatriptyline can cause drowsiness, and you should be driving or trying to use buses etc, if your meds make you fell unwell due to side effects.

The final straw is you are unable to attend and they will have to arrange a home visit or leave you be.

Good Luck don’t be pushed if your unwell get a family member to phone them and tell them.

Winniepooh1976 profile image
Winniepooh1976 in reply to allofatremor

I agree with you that the assessment process is awful especially for the physically disabled with little or no support,or people who need someone to speak or write for them. Your right about side effects too morphine and amitriptyline plus disturbed nights and pain make me exhausted. I am sorry for your family member I have a friend who has an autistic 16 year old having to apply. Even though he goes to special school has regular melt downs and is fully diagnosed. He had to sit while a woman asked if he ever soiled himself rather than take his mum's word for it! He was so embarrassed and upset.

Hopefully I can rearrange appointment time so I can go in fighting. Hope your having a good weekend x

JeffMett profile image

When I meet these Benefits people I always get the feeling that they are only have one agenda and that is to take the benefits you have got, to reduce the amount you get or take it of you.

waggy2005 profile image

hi winniepooh

I totally empathize with you. I have just sent off my PIP form and am dreading the assessment. It seems to take over the whole of your life doesn't it?

I actually got help from a disabled charity to complete the form which does help with some of the stress. I too also had to complete an ESA form but am still waiting to hear from them. It's awful when you have two forms to complete at the same time. I think they do it on purpose. They want us to give up and shut up.

Anyway please let the forum know how you get on. Take care

Winniepooh1976 profile image
Winniepooh1976 in reply to waggy2005

Thank you waggy2005 good luck on your claim i know what you mean about feeling anxious let me know how you get on x

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