Question : Ok so I’ve only been on here a day... - Pain Concern

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Teddy88 profile image
13 Replies

Ok so I’ve only been on here a day and I’m completely overwhelmed with the response I getting already!!

I have a question that know one seems to know the answer to.

How can you move on with your life knowing who you are and knowing your limits... when you hate the person you are, when you spent 99% of the time wishing to be someone else... how can you help your self when hate the who you are?!?

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Teddy88 profile image
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13 Replies
Madlegs1 profile image

There are two rules in this game- if you want to play successfully.

1- " You are who you are" Now - this minute- you are nothing else. JUST YOU - NOW.

2. You are where you are.-- yes ! You've guessed it- Where you are now - in your life. No going back - no looking forward.

Accept yourself as you are - warts and all.

You are thus UNIQUE. One of a kind- Mould broken- never again the like!

So- the question is- what do you want to do with this moment in time.

That is for you to decide.

Don't waste the moment in thinking about irrelevant matters- such as what people think of you or what you have done before this moment.

That is unimportant for the rest of your life. You are a new person. You have a new future.

Go for it.

Accept it.

Be you.

Teddy88 profile image
Teddy88 in reply to Madlegs1

Thanks for the reply...

Good response and I do understand.

But like you said you are who you are!

How can I go on knowing that exact fact... I hate who I am and I accept that I am who I am...

I don’t know how to go through life knowing that I am who I am!!

I’m not old I have a my life ahead of me, I’m 30 this year.. I have had 4 years of this....

I can accept who I am but I can’t accept that I can handle being me!

I sound like an obsessive weirdo...

The things I written today are things

I have never spoken about... it feels good to release...

I need to find a way to change the way I feel about myself which I think is the hardest thing in world... I don’t know how to do that

Nanajudy profile image
Nanajudy in reply to Teddy88

Have you heard of C E N, Has been an Eye-opener for me!! I get a blog from Dr Jonice Webb...very interesting and helpful... She has written books too....

There is a questionnaire to do that helps majorly..

Hope that's a help...


SpinalPain profile image
SpinalPain in reply to Teddy88

Hi Teddy. I understand where you're coming from. I felt the same way. I think that hate is coming from anger. I was angry with the way my life is now. Fortunately I stopped myself from doing something silly and reached out to my G.P. He then put me onto mental health team and I went on a course of CBT. I found it very helpful. As I also turned my anger into self hate. It's an awful place to be. Anger, frustration and hate are all partners of depression. It's really good that you have recognised that hate and spoken out.

Please talk to your doctor and ask for counselling and CBT course.

I now pace myself and have a different approach to no longer getting anger, hate and rage about my disabilities and praise myself for simply attempting to do things rather that hating myself for not completing impossible tasksthat I set myself to complete in the first place.

I hope that sharing this is of some help to you. It is good to vent and to reach out. We are many!

ssdw1958 profile image

Teddy almost every day ok not every day but it is so wrong we were people who did so much now I am someone that sits on her Reclining chair i have to push the button to get up and take forever just to go into the kitchen and it’s not that far but some days it’s easy and sometimes it’s not but what are you going to do sit there and moan about pains come on but you know You have to go on life is too short

I have my 2 sonto stick around for you my grandbaby girl my husband this is not the way I wanted to my retirement to be or how early to 👍👋🎈🍫🍫🍫start it But just last week I lost my uncle he was 83 years old and 😃you know what you have to keep going on. Keep smiling because keep them guessing they’ll never know what your thinking 🤔 I😊🙃😄😁😀

take care and be well stay strong

hypercat54 profile image

Well one way to start it to work out why you hate yourself? Have you ever had counselling? If not I would ask your doctor for some.

You are stuck with yourself so there is absolutely no point in hating yourself. You have to learn to accept your limits as we all have them. I have some terrible limitations but have had to learn to accept them. I also have lots of good points which I love! You can't have one without the others and who is superman/woman? It must get awful cold up there flying round the earth you know :) And fancy having to disguise your real nature.

As long as you are yourself warts and all you will get others who like you no matter how weird or awful you think you are. Do you demand perfection from others? In which case why demand that from yourself! x

johnsmith profile image

Ecclesiastes 3 King James Version (KJV)

3 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

2 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;

3 A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;

4 A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;

5 A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;

6 A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;

7 A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;

8 A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.

Nothing wrong with what you feel. It is something that many with a health disability have had to experience at one time or another. Spend time learning to do the things you can do. Doing some sort of movement is important. You are learning new skills. How to navigate a health disability. There are no words for this only action. Be gentle with yourself. It takes time to develop new skills.

Hope I have been able to be helpful.

Oh my, some heavy confusing reading in the above posts.....

Have we all been taking extra meds for the Easter break.....

Bananas5 profile image
Bananas5 in reply to Steve_inpaintoolong

Don't know about you but don't take meds full stop.

Sometimes complex issues require complex answers.

Nanajudy profile image
Nanajudy in reply to Bananas5

If you are taking meds Don't stop them suddenly unless you are sure its a good thing to do!!! I did once and was as mad as for 3 weeks!!!

I do agree really.... but trying to find the answers on here..... I know there will be lots of hugs etc but perhaps writing down ones thoughts and showing it to a qualified Doctor might be more constructive.

katelee profile image

why do you hate who you are?

Hi. I doubt anyone can hate all they are. There must be parts of you that are good. Parts that are kind and thoughtful. I bet you don't hate the parts of you that can help other people. We can find small parts that we like and build from there. We don't have to have it all sorted out yet.

Many of us struggle to love ourselves and look after our bodies. You see this in people who smoke, drink too much or even work too much. These are all forms of self abuse and no kind friend would encourage you to treat yourself like that. Try and be kinder to yourself. Even if it's just 5%! You deserve a treat for being so honest here. We're all trying our best to cope in a world that's difficult to live in.

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