Has anyone had acupuncture for severe back pain? I have had four lumbar spinal fusions, all failed, and now steroid injection has been suggested. I am very against this for many reasons but am a big fan of acupuncture for general health. Has anyone had needles down the spine and on the operation site/scars?
Acupuncture: Has anyone had acupuncture for... - Pain Concern

Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. My acupuncturist has suggested weekly appointments, tapering off after approx 9 treatments and then topping up as and when. She’s highly professional and well known to me. Your post is so reassuring as more surgery is not an option, has a poor record and failed each time, despite a top class surgeon. He referred me to pain clinic who really faffed me aroud but only come up with those steroid injections. Every three months and all that poison..... am sure, like me, you are a fan of alternative and holistic treatment and I thank you for giving me support as to an alternative when am getting desperate! One really has to think and help oneself in the end. I hope your husband continues well and as comfortably as it is possible to be. Thank you again. Fyllida
Thank you Bananas5. Am doing this privately, in spite of the cost and health is priceless! However, not a bottomless pit so will have to monitor very carefully, but I do have a lot of faith in my acupuncturist who is also trained in Chinese medicine and highly experienced and sympathetic.
Dread a physio as my back us now so fragile and full of metalwork, they could do more harm than good. Glad it works for David.
I also find that the mind is very powerful with pain. At its simplest, telling it to just push off! Sometimes this helps ...for a short while, but not if in agony! I do take Co-Codamol 30/500 which helps a lot. FYI, shortly on the market a new form of ibuprofen will be marketed. Its called Flarin, has none of the side effects of traditional ibuprofen and has proved very effective in trials. Lloyds Pharmacy already stocks it. Am off to get some today, as a top up for Co-codamol!
Oops, am now thinking she said 2 weeks apart. Will check, but the amazing feeling and lack of pain right afterwards.....hope am wrong! Admittedly, next day wasn’t good and neither is today but there aren’t any miracles any more, and appreciate this is going to be a long haul. Was told guidelines for spine blocs can be administered 3 times a year. But maybe that’s private. Poor David, poor man. We can only do our best.
Its 6 months, the anesthesia will also give much pain relief but thats only for that day
Like any therapy results are very indivisualisistic. I had approximately 15 sessions and found little to no relief from acupuncture for chronic cerviccal neuropathy. The only drug that worked for me was pregabilinat 75mg twice daily. Narcotics were great at first but developed tolerance and after 400mg oxycontin daily had to slowly wean off . Withdrawal took 9 months and made me reallizethere were worse things tjhanpain. At least acupuncture has no side effects or withdrawal.
Hello. Basically, my problem is that seem to be allergic to all drugs! Morphine was probably the best of them - was ecstatic - but two days later nithing, except for a decent night’s sleep. Tramadol made me seriously ill. So, apart from Co-Codamol have turned to alternative therapy such as acupuncture. Also take turmeric and Serrapeptase 250 which has a great reputation for reducing inflammation, pain etc but like all herbals will take a couple of months to work...if it ever does. Pregabilinat has not been suggested by my GP, never heard of it. Very glad it works for you. Pain is a such a study of trial and error, with emphasis on the “trial”!
I have but unfortunately it didn't work for me x
It did make me sleep though, which was good
I too had 2 fusions and wzs left with nerve pain, oh boy i know this pain too well, i take pain med everyday and i hate it bit have no choice, cant walk or sit for long,,recently i tried a puff of med marijuana,,,30 seconds later i was out of pain for the 1st time in almost 7 years,, its been so long that i had a,hard time wrapping my head around the fact that i was out of pain!!! I dont care for the high at all, no,,,but i heard that there is a kind that you get relief without the high but its expensive,, of course it is!
Hello Michele, how interesting! Are you in the UK? Did ask my doc but she told me could not be obtained legally here. Wouldn’t mind a high at all, anything to stop this ongoing nightmare.
Very happy its working for you. Best wishes, Phyllida