Has anyone had multiple lumbar surgeries due to osteomyelitis, dicitis, spinal abscess, and able to resolve pain issues?
Failed back syndrome: Has anyone had multiple... - Pain Concern
Failed back syndrome

The pain management centre at at Thomas will only give you the spinal stimulator if you have failed back surgery syndrome. The spinal stimulator definitely helps with neuropathic pain
I had the spine stimulation device surgically put in 2013, had to have removed 2 months later due to infection, open incision which compromised it and the rest is history.
Also, I have yet to find a pain management doctor that will do any kind of spinal block injections on me.
I haven’t given up yet so I’ve been researching online trying to find a spinal surgical center that is highly recommended that will perform spinal surgery on me to hopefully get at least 50% pain relief, at least close to that and help with my physical level of functioning and at least fair to good tolerance. I don’t feel that I’m asking for a miracle only for a chance at somewhat decent quality of life.
Shropshire where i live has the best orthopaedic hospital in Europe. People go there from all over the country. That's where I had all of my surgeries and the referral for the implant, and the pain management consultant, Mr Gaspar, is excellent. The hospital is The Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Hospital, Gobowen, Shropshire. I would get in touch if I were you. My spinal surgeon is Mr Balain - lovely man and very skilled. Did you have your spinal implant completely removed then? I had an infection in the trial implant so they took it out and waited 5 months before putting the other one in. However I'm getting pain on the opposite side of the battery and wondering if it's related to the implant or to the kidney.
Sorry I've just realised you're in USA!!!
That’s ok, thanks for the info, I’m glad you were able to get good treatment. My Situation is a bit complicated as my body seems to reject foreign treatments such as back stabilization and the pain stimulator, it did seem to help with my pain however the surgeon had to take it completely out, left with lots of scars. If you come across any more good info please feel free to keep me posted even though we’re in different countries. European research and medical treatments seem so much more advanced than USA. I also have Hereditary Hemochromatosis, Thyroid nodules, diffuse enlarged thyroid, hyperthyroidism, Dermatitis Herpetiformis, Pituitary Adenoma, Osteoarthritis and I’ve just started seeing a rheumatologist here. I also have polyps coming up in different places, currently dealing with a hemorrhagic larynx polyp that is causing major vocal problems and airway issues so I’m having that removed as well as a tonsil cyst. I don’t know exactly what is causing all this but hope to find out, my body does not respond to infection normally, my WBC seem to not increase with infection nor does my body temperature, I have a Normal body temperature of 96 range. Hmmmmm, I don’t want to be Ill, all I want is an answer to all this and not a guess. In 2009 I ended up with spinal osteomyelitis, discitis, spinal abscess, psoas muscle abscess and myosititis. My body did not show the normal signs of infection, no elevated temperature, my WBC actually dropped below normal range but my sed rate and crp were elevated. The surgeon told my daughters that it was the worst back infection he’d ever done surgery on. I ended up with a large pseudomeningocele(spelled wrong) which is still present and of course a bad dura tear incident which was fixed. I know I don’t ever want to go through that again!!!
Gosh I'm sorry you're suffering so badly. If I hear of anything else that might help I'll be in touch. Take care x
Thank you. I honesty don’t feel like a sick person per se, there’s definitely people much worse than me, what aggravates me is I’ve always loved my career, the sun, beach and any activity that results in sweating I love, sports, exercising and running just being physically fit, traveling, never been a couch potato and deadlines were no problem for me, life kept me happy and looking forward the next challenge but now it’s the everyday generalized fatigue, ill feeling and intolerance to the sun, heat and humidity, that’s what gets me!!! If I can find the reason and learn how to deal with this issue I’d be a happy camper, I can deal with pain but when any kind of activity creates havoc and stops me from enjoying life that’s a problem, there’s only so much mind over a person can do and I suppose I’m at that point, I see it as I can only get better from here. Take care too!