I have had 3 days of pain in my left breast & it's only the nipple that is reddish & hurts. Only one nipple hurts and is reddish the other one is normal. I don't use any harmful soap or any tight bras that would cause this. Im just worried it might be something else like cancer or serious infection? Anyone that has had something similar to what I am going through or who went through the same thing? Thank you in advance!
Worried? : I have had 3 days of pain in my left... - Pain Concern

See your GP asap.
He/she will be able to put your mind at rest / refer you if necessary.
Could be an infection, may clear up on it's own or may need a prescription.
However only your doctor can help.
Thank you! I have an appointment Tuesday so I hope it's nothing bad.
It's very unlikely to be anything bad but it does need checking out just on the off chance. Let us know what your doctor says. x
Thank you I hope it is nothing bad. And yes I will update on tuesday!
I've had a breast abcess before which required 2 rounds of antibiotics to clear. That was also red and painful but there was a definite lump as well about a couple of inches across. No idea why I got it as it mainly common in breastfeeding ladies.
As it was still there after the first round of antibiotics as a precaution I was fast tracked to the breast clinic for a mammogram but to be honest I wasn't concerned as it was red and hot n quite obvious an infection. It cleared after the second round of antibiotics and hadn't returned since.
Go and get a mammogram ASAP! Also, see a breast cancer specialist, if possible; or at least see your primary care physician right away. This is urgent to have checked as soon as possible; don't wait around for it to get better!
Make sure your GP does a thorough exam. It may well only be an infection or a bit of dermatitis. Please don't think the worst. No need to "borrow trouble" as my dear old nan used to say.