Feeling very frustrated and a bit worried I talked to the Pain Clinic on Friday and I guess I am at the mercy of the one and only specialist that works out of the clinic. Nurse said that he is reviewing the old Drs charts and is deciding who he will take on. I laid it all out there to her about how bad last Sunday was and that I had to take some of my husbands morphine because nothing else would give me relief. She asked me if I had seen a surgeon and I told her that my paper work and test results were sent to Vancouver ( no nero surgeons here ) he sent them back saying there was nothing he could do for me and recommended I go to the pain clinic. Nurse said they were very cautious about who they do surgery on because there was only a 30 to 60 % success rate I told her I was in so much pain that day I would taken those odds. Anyways the Doctor is away this week so it could take about 2 wks before I hear anything. So if you would not mind could you please send some positive thoughts my way I would really appreciate it. Hope you all have had a wonderful Mothers day and a pain free week .
Worried: Feeling very frustrated and a bit... - Pain Concern

I don't know how it works where you are but is there no one who can provide temporary pain medication whilst you wait for the pain Clinc. Your own GP surely ? Or at worst the emergency department of a hospital. Taking someone else's medication is not the best plan though I can understand. When there is lists of pain you would do pretty much anything . Have you tried a Tens machine ? You can buy them from chemists and they work on Pain by sending pulses through electrodes and kind of I teetering with the pain signals so they don't get through . They also work by sending endorphins to the brain making you feel better. I use mine for at least half of my day.
Hi Grizzley, I am very sorry to hear you are having such a difficult time with your pain and are also very worried too. It's very hard when you are in so much pain and you cannot seem to find a way through it all and it takes over your life to such an extent you cannot concentrate or think of anything else. I can only sympathise, and offer you hope that perhaps maybe when the Doctor comes back he will see that you are having such a bad time he will be able to come up with something. Perhaps, if you are willing to take the risk, they may decide to operate on you in the hope of relieving your pain. Sending you positive thoughts and really hoping you are able to get through this difficult period and eventually find some relief. I wish you all the best and good luck in the next few weeks. I am sure we all wish you well and know you are not alone. Sending good thoughts your way, only wish we could do somethiing to help you.
Goodmorning now I know why I feel so blessed to have found this site. I will get through this and come out at the other side a stronger person. Thankyou so much for you support. I have been doing this over 1/2 of my life and that shows me I am a strong and can get through anything. Thankyou again and I truly hope that your will have a fantastic week with as pain free as possible. Off to work take care.
Bless you. It's not easy being in constant pain, I often feel everyone & everything is against me. Pain = negative thoughts. A kind word or knowing someone cares makes all the difference. I hope you find that the Doctor will be on your side and can help with the pain issues. Sending you gentle hugs. Take care x
I had a bad mothers day and haven't had a pain-free week since 1984. Not one day. I've seen neurosurgeons and I don't recommend the surgery until you try more pain relief. If morphine worked, they should give you pain meds. Morphine is recommended by my dr. but I haven't used it yet. I currently use fentanyl patch with also narcotic meds. and gabapentin and an antidepressant which works for pain. I need these in order to earn a living. I am not sleepy or drowsy at all because my body needs these meds to be normal. So don't give up. There are other ways.
Hello. I'm sorry you didn't have a good mother's day. I really hope things get better for you soon.
Cas 🌼🌷
Hi Worried . My I'm Kelly . I just what day take one day at time . And you be ok X and try and do litter as you can if your pain Go up stop tack 5 X not worry try relax as much as possible X just rally look after self bes if your tents economy condition worse . And to help try do thing in the afternoon mate clean in the afternoon if you're in pain stop good clean in the afternoon or the need to go I'll try and do in the afternoon because your phone you're like me a lot but a bit more relaxed and not so tense afternoon mate clean in the afternoon if you're in pain stop good clean in the afternoon or the need to go I'll try and do in the afternoon because your phone you're like me a lot but a bit more relaxed and not so tense . Say hi need any Think .
Don't worry, if I get away with a name like mine there is hope in the world! XX
sorry things arent going so well at your end, only thing i can do is wish you well and hope things pick up. this site is great for support from people in the same boat and its amazing to talk to folks that understand.
maybe a different doc is the answer, my old one retired and its taken ages to find one that understands and was open to trying new meds.
pain was so bad i crawled into a bottle but now i got morphiene life is bareable and the plus side is i cant drink with them.
sure hope things get better and at least you know your NOT alone, be safe, jim