I am afraid I have cancer or something terminal - Pain Concern

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I am afraid I have cancer or something terminal

9 Replies

These are the symptoms I feel and also I am a 16 year old male

On the left side of my head there is a spot that always has a mild headache and it feels like something is in there.

Where the headaches occur my scalp hurts when I rub it.

This has been going on since late 2013

On my forehead and upper nose I have a funny feeling like I’m being tickled there

I sometimes twitch on my upper chest my legs and my right eye lid.

On my right side where the liver is hurts like if there is a bruise and everytime I tap or hit it. It hurts.

I have been seeing a lot of eye floaters since April

I sometimes wake up nauseous

And lately my throats has felt bulgy like if I can’t pass food through or ignored there is something there.

Does anyone know what this could be

9 Replies
Poppy_Ann profile image

Hi Jduran, several years ago I was in the same position as you are now I was getting sudden very bad headaches they were so bad that just to open my eyes was to painful to do in the end I went to my doctor and he arranged a trip to hospital and a MRI when the results came back he told me not to worry it was not a tumour or anything as bad as one, he said my problem is that the bones in my neck were crumbling with arthritis which were causing the muscles in my neck to be doing much more work than they normally did, I never knew that some of the muscles that hold your head up are anchored to your scull he then went on to ask if I was thinking it was a tumour I said yes in the back of my mind that was what I was thinking he said for all the people who came in with the same problem less than 5% had a tumour and even the ones who did if they came in early enough they were OK after surgery

hope this helps go and see your doctor and then you will know do not put yourself through not knowing and worrying about it.

Regards Poppy Ann

katieoxo60 profile image

Hello jduran, you are very young to have all these problems, however as they have been around for a while I would go to the GP and persist so they realise you are concerned about it. Sometimes just talking to someone releives some of the concern. Best Wishes and sorry can't answer your question about what it might be.

sharonz profile image

to jduran,

please go and see someone regarding your symptoms,rather than self diagnose yourself.

you are putting extra pressure on yourself,trying to fathom out your symtoms.

Sallyk42 profile image

Sounds very much like nerve problems. You need to tell your gp soon as. All that you describe is trapped nerves. Stop worrying and see gp

Poorna66 profile image

Jduran, i echo what others say. Please go see a doctor instead of putting yourself through this torture. I know how you feel, sometimes we are so afraid of the answer that we don't want to ask the question. But sometimes we have to do certain things in life for our own good even when we dont want to. That said, let me reassure you that from the limited information you gave, it sounds extremely unlikely to be cancer. This has been going on since 2013 you say, and brain tumors progress very rapidly so it is unlikely that you would go four years without any major progression of disease. Secondly, your entire basis for assumption seems to be dr.google. I don't know if you are familiar with how google's search algorithm works but it always brings up things like cancer and aids first. Google headache and it will diagnose you with cancer and give you all kinds of anxiety. There is even a word for it "cyberchondria". So, google is a very poor way of identifying whats wrong. Thirdly, i remember my cousin having very similar symptoms a couple of years back and he worried himself to death but it only turned out to be something minor (i don't remember what it was called). He took some medicines for a few days and he was fine. So much grief for nothing. Please write down all your symptoms, go see a doctor and show to them. They will be able to help you much better than people on internet can. I wish you the best.

bobknob51 profile image

Hello Jordan your only 16 you should be enjoying yourself Bluepettals is giving you good advice go see your doctor and take your mum with you as doctors sometimes dismiss young people.Good luck mate


Cb1963 profile image

hi Jordan,firstly try not to get to stressed out with your symptoms,as a young person there's all sorts of "childhood" illnesses that are recognized and some linger longer than others,it could of been a bout of chicken pox,or even shingles,which are not anything drastic but more of trying to keep on top of any flare ups,shingles especially can leave nerve damage and can get flare ups at any time,also this condition gets worse if you are stressed,but ultimately non of us on this forum are qualified doctors and even if we are I don't think trying to diagnose you on this forum is the best option for you,because I feel you'd google everything that was mentioned and by the end of it all you'd be getting all sorts off misinterpreted information and not getting the right answer's,so on this one get your alarm clock set for 7.30am,and ring the doctors first thing in the morning,and then you'd get a clearer picture and all being well getting your symptoms addressed to ,good luck young man.

Sammicat15 profile image

Jordan, you are not alone in feeling such fears when wondering what is going on and before receiving a diagnosis. Rather than subject yourself to torture about what it might be, go and see your gp who will no doubt diagnose something simple and hopefully an easy remedy. It is better to face something real than feared. It will also bring some perspective to your situation. You might perhaps need new glasses or have a migraine condition, for example - easily treated. That was my problem at your age and once identified, could be tackled quickly.

I imagine your parents will hate that you have been carrying this burden alone for so long. Some of the symptoms could be down to stress and overthinking things. There is no fear like the fear of the unknown. Cut it down to size by letting your gp help. Take someone with you to the appointment, in case your anxiety causes you to miss important information.

Good luck and let us know what happens.

Coradelphine profile image

Hi Juduran although I have no idea what it is I strongly advise that you go to your GP. Write down your symptoms so you don't forget any!

You must be able to get some help

Good luck and let us know how you go on xx

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