How do ask a dr for a diagnosis Do they just write it in your records when l mentioned my pain in my legs hands and feet etc which l have always refered to as pheripal neuropathy He snapped who has diagnosed you with that ? Its been there since chemo l thought it was on my record .So dont like this new Dr x
Diagnosis : How do ask a dr for a diagnosis Do... - Pain Concern

If you have seen a consultant they should write to your GP with their diagnosis.
I would check with him that this letter has been received.
Some Drs have a mild case of God Complex- I diagnose that your Dr has a severe case. He should be avoided at all costs.
On the other hand - maybe he burnt the toast that morning and you got him on a short fuse.?😆
oh ah,bit of a rebuff then from your GP then,yep its well documented that chemotherapy causes peripheral neuropathy,perhaps he/she never read your notes maybe,and some doctors don't like patients doing self diagnosis,however is it the peripheral neuropathy that's causing you some health issues?
The doctor is correct to ask the question. Peripheral neuropathy has different meanings according to what circumstances the diagnosis comes from. Sometimes, the diagnosis is made without doing the proper checks for the condition. With the beginning of recognition that a set of symptoms can be have multiple causes and the diagnosis given can match the symptoms, but is totally inappropriate. Peripheral neuropathy can be brain damage, or spine damage or damage to the Peripheral nerves. You only know for certain when someone has checked for Peripheral nerve damage.
There is a major problem with medical records. Chronic injury does not get flagged up. There is interest in the first few weeks when patient and medic discuss the issue. When the discussion die down the patient adapts to the problem and there are no new entries concerning the condition made in the medical records. Thus a doctor who quickly looks at the records at the time of the patient's visit will be unaware of a chronic issue unless the patient tells them.
I have diabetes and been diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy by a podiatrist. It's only slightly in my left foot.but he wrote to my GP to confirm this. Same as I attend a diabetes specialist unit in Oxfords Churchill hospital. He thinks I have autonomic neuropathy he is convinced but can't confirm it without me attending the neurologists appointment in october.
Yes l think the dr doesnt know me and is new but he's a bit intiminating and not very empathetic but l am under the haematologist l have kept mentioning the peripheral neuropathy and they dont seem interested in documenting it l suppose their field is blood l am going to pain course soon l will see if they're any better it's not severe but can be painful and uncomfortable and thimk it contributed to a nasty fall lve just had x