About 6 years ago I took a wrong step after dismounting from my horse. I heard a clear snap and knew that I had broken both leg bones just above my right ankle. I called my orthopedic surgeon who was doing some charity surgeries at a local public hospital and arranged to go there. I had my staff at the farm construct a splint from some wood to hold the ankle steady during the drive to the hospital. Within a half hour of the accident I was feeling that there was something on my right foot, like a sock or something resting on the bottom of my foot. It felt a lot like a wrinkled sock. I was still convinced that there was something on my foot after my surgery but there was nothing. The sensation has never gone away. I spoke with my surgeon who had no idea why this happened. An internet search and talking with friends who had experienced the same thing brought up peripheral neuropathy as the name but no one in Egypt seems to know what it is or what can be done about it. Taking some medicinal mushrooms (Lions Mane and some others) gives me a bit of relief.
Anyone know anything about peripheral neuropa... - Pain Concern
Anyone know anything about peripheral neuropathy?

This will explain far better than I cam......
Excellent reference, thanks for that. Nice and clear and covers most of the causes. Mine became significant 23 years ago and I spent many years on multiple medications, including gabapentin which may deplete B12 and folate - so if those were already lacking and causing/contributing to the neuropathy, like for me, the issue may get worse while masked by the positives of the meds.
Some people find that vitamin B12 and vitamin B6 help with their peripheral neuropathy.
But be careful with B6 - too much can make things worse. And choice of exactly which form is important.
I have to all over my body. My neurologist describe it just as the link banana 5 has post. Amtriptline helps me a bit.
Hi there, I have peripheral neuropathy in my feet, caused by chemo damage in 2012. Before medication, I used to feel like I had fireworks and hot aches in my feet all the time, it was always worse in bed at night. Very painful. I was put on a controlled drug called 'Lyrica/pregablin'. They are tablets that are used to treat nerve damage and epilepsy. I take one in a morning and one at night. They have been very effective. My feet still feel strange, but they are nowhere near as painful. I do notice if I miss a tablet! Hope this helps.
I am pleased that I’ve read your post as I have some nerve damage in my feet too, I don’t think mine is quite as bad as yours but I’m pleased to read that there is this medicine that might help me should mine get worse. I’ve always had a lot of issues with my feet, lots of swellings and arthritis in feet. Like you at night I sometimes get nerve pains when I am trying to go to sleep, always in bed it starts. Like tickling and pins and needles, I take Amitriptyline occasionally , but I don’t like taking this drug as it gives me a heavy head feeling in the morning. Maybe your meds are better.
I have neuropathy following spinal surgery. I take a drug called Duloxetine. Started first dose 60mg and noticed improvement quickly. I increased amount to maximum 120mg and does help with pain and discomfort.
Try CBD oil. I have Peripheral Neuropathy too, so I am simpatico.
if you have internet you can order from Simply CBD. Which country are you, I’m UK. I know this company is safe. xx
Not in Egypt. A) it would never arrive and B) I'd be arrested.
Oh, I’d no idea!! WOW, that’s a bit old school but, if that’s the way it is, you don’t want to get arrested!! In my case, my Consultant in Pharmacogenetics, says there is no treatment and no cure. The Peripheral Neuropathy I have is due to antibiotic damage from the drug Ciprofloxacin. It has also caused me to have Axonal Sensory Neuropathy! I hope yours is curable. I’ve also got Post Herpetic Neurologia from an extensive Shingles attack! Pain is the name of my game!! xx
I have peripheral neurophty bad---one thing it does is make you feel sensations that are not really there---I feel I have shoes or socks on when I don't---it never really goes away! Good Luck@