Hello,firstly I would like to introduce myself as Dan and look forward to joining in and contributing.
My story started a long time ago when I was "eventually" given an operation basically fusing my left wrist along with replacing some worn out and nearly non existent bones.
Gradually over the years the symptoms of chronic pain increased to the level at which I am today.
I have been up to one month ago working periodically making computer generated signs.Alas this also has taken its toll on my body,to the point I cannot type at a keyboard for long or hold a pen (I know clever clogs...how he he writing such a lengthy post then....answer,my loving daughter has a lunch period).The pain although not a 10 is certainly 6-7 most days all day,
The Medications I take,I would have thought would be enough to zombiefy me,but I can still comprehend most days.Here is a list
Fencino 50mg patches,co-codamol 30/500mg (8per day),Duloxetine 120mg per day,Pregabalin 300mg per day,Quetiapine 150mg per day,Bendroflumenthiazide 2.5mg day,Adalat retard 20mg day,Statins 20mg day.
And yet,after endless doctors,consultants,phychiatrists and physchologists only one person has dared to give me some answer as to what I have.A lovely chronic pain consultant,who said that as much as the others has messed around,I have chronic pain/me and chronic fatigue and wide spread osteoarthritis (although a consultant who wants to do a basal thumb joint operation on me also stated about the osteoarthritis).I also have severe bouts of depression which has led to a suicide attempt because of the pain,and also anxiety (of which the doctor has pointed out the continual jerking and jumping that my body does is due to anxiety....I personally believe it is the pregabalin ).
Now after all this and years of pain and depression I have along with my wife decided to give up trying to not make a living and unavoidably claim ESA and housing benefit.
Weeks have gone by now with no answers from either,so I thought that a phone call would be a good idea,lol,the ESA denied knowledge of having received my doctors sick note and also wanted to know why my wife wasn't working?
I nearly ,very nearly,lost my temper but thought to myself "I just don't care anymore ".They continually try to make life difficult,they take no notice of what I have done and they are all trying to push me into a big black hole that I am continually trying to crawl out.
Rant over,and finally the ESA found my doctors sick note.
Well tomorrow is another day,in which I have to take my sons university papers into the local council to prove he is in full time education.
I just know it is going to take every last ounce of effort from me,but they just don't seem to care ,do they?