Hello everyone, hope this finds you well. I'd like some advice and info please. Taking the advice of one of our number on this website, I'm about to hand in a letter to the Practice Manager at my GPs surgery stating that because I've been refused a referral by my GP on a number of occasions To see the Pain Clinic, I've now asked to be referred because of worsening pain. I'm currently taking Co- Codamol and Amitryptiline and wish to know what other painkillers are out there. It's a big topic but any help will be much appreciated.
Info needed: Hello everyone, hope this finds... - Pain Concern
Info needed

You're GP can't deny you a referral its up to the specialist to decide if they will accept the referral, l have had huge problems with same issue so l called patient services for nhs and was told gp can't refuse. Even one time l was diagnosed with endometriosis told me ld need surgery until then they put me through chemical menopause by injecting me with stuff that treats prostate cancer then add HRT which l suffered horrendous side effects for a year. However 6 months into treatment l was rushed into hosp with lower abdo pain so they did emergency laparoscopy remove adhesions n complex cyst left from a previous surgery years before. However l got told l didn't have endometriosis n could still have kids with one ovary left???? After all this still in agony so asked Gp if l could get referred to a Dundee gynae as still in so much pain and Kirkcaldy put me through hell and gp did refer me for 2nd opinion (had a great gp 11 years ago until l had move to Dunfermline n change gp who is patronising and not much help) I was told nerve damage from surgerys now affecting bowels so she referred me to pain team in Dundee who were great but as lived in Dunfermline l was sent to Queen Margaret who did nothing but want me on antidepressants n see psychologists who sent me back to pain team get help but never did. So..... Again happened 2015 but broken leg this time 2 orthos said all healed but something seriously wrong so l asked for referral to Edin after an xray proved l had been walking on a broken leg extensive osteoporosis with ununited bones..... Thing is Gp said no so l called patient services about it all n they told me to her to phone them if she had a problem referring them n they had even gave me the name of a medical director for her to call if any queries. However couldn't get appt for 5 weeks so went to a private physio who referred me to private ortho in Spire Edinburgh who told me l needed screws plates etc in leg and ankle sorted to, so doing op in nhs lothian supposed be last Dec but was diagnosed with CRPS so in moonboot when l'm able stand up and surgery cancelled and pain team won't see me???? Maybe you might need see another GP but certainly get in touch with nhs patient services first as they even sent an email to practice manager letting them know the referral process. So.. don't give up, it's you're right to be given the correct help and treatment, also you're local mp could help you too. God Bless, Deb x

Thanks Deb , for your full reply. The whole set-up is a minefield. Take care George
Hi! I'm sorry but why are you being denied a referral? Have they given you a reason for denying you? Dependant on what issues you have there are other medications you could try I guess but seeing the Pain Clinic would be beneficial!
All I keep getting from my GP is that what they have prescribed is the best I can expect. Clearly that's not the case given what I've read on this website. It's so infuriating !
What a load of rubbish! Clearly they aren't interested in getting you help or getting a firm diagnosis! I'm so sorry!! Make your letter to the GP very stern, the way you at being treated is disgusting! Good luck with it all, please do let us know how you get on xxx
Well I don't know where you live, but I live in MA, USA. I have been to numerous pain clinics for cervical and spinal stenosis. I can tell you that all they want is to give me shots and more shots. I found one that was generous with prescriptions. Except the prescription was for muscle relaxers. 360 at a time. I know that opioids kill. But I think 360 10 mg baclofen could kill as well. But that doesn't matter as long as we don't consume opioids, which people are overdosing on. I live in chronic unbearable pain. Best of luck to you.
Be thankful for what you have. Pain management is an excuse for doctors to not do their jobs.
My dr says I'm on the strongest cocodemols but they make very little difference to my pain
Yes, that's my situation. The next step would probably be morphine, but from what experienced people on this site say its a risky road to travel. I recently asked advice about it from my pharmacist and he shares that view. He did though say that when the pain is bad I could take Inuprofen in addition to Co-Codamol.