Blogging: Hi! I just wondered if anyone else... - Pain Concern

Pain Concern

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katwilson04 profile image
16 Replies

Hi! I just wondered if anyone else writes a big about their Chronic Pain/illness?

I have been writing for a while now, but would like to read and follow others?

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katwilson04 profile image
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16 Replies

Hi I'm CRPSmom try twitter I'm not sure about blogging but people are talking about the pain

katwilson04 profile image
katwilson04 in reply to

Hi! Yes I'm on twitter, and there's loads of people on there - are you on twitter?

in reply to katwilson04

I am

ORXTEN profile image

Check out NPR National Pain Report on internet Just google it Lots of blogs

I'm going to write a book about pain and pain management I'm still doing research.

Lots of pain stories out there if you look.

Also National Pain Foundation is a good site to check out

Too many people suffering now days and that's not right.



katwilson04 profile image
katwilson04 in reply to ORXTEN

Thanks John. I already follow quite a few bloggers, I just wondered if anyone using HU was a blogger too.

Good luck with your book too, will you share when it's completed?


in reply to katwilson04

Oops sorry Kat that was meant for John as interested seeing what he is doing as l've been left to live with fibromyalgia, crps, trigeminal neuralgia, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, impingement syndrome, annular tears in spine and even a broken leg a year and a half because was told all in my head, even though diagnosed and have proof now of all of this in my medical records l requested but not on been included in medical history so if l manage to get a referral to someone they don't believe me as old gp just wrote neuralgias or NOTHING it was normal. I've been cleared by psychologist psychiatrists l don't have somatisation or any other mental disorders yet no invesgitations​ not done as various nhs specialists have wrote whole load of lies and put everything down to mental disorders??? Anyway if you follow me you're going to see looong messages. Not very often as unable to but l saw someones message trying to sell magnets to a newcomer as helped them so l had a rant about that. You can be honest on here usually without judgement (although l had a rant about a lady putting up that us CRPS sufferers EXAGGERATE??? and can scare people???? I'm sure this is last thing anyone on here wants to do but it's exhausting trying to be stronger than we actually feel out in the world with people especially to not worry family n friends when we're in excruciating pain so.... Be honest, we all care and you will get support and some good advice too (take it or leave it) as we are all different, different things helps us or maybe not. I find people on here inspiring, caring and supportive, it's a lonely life at times especially when chronic pain can be so cruel, just remember you are not a lesser person just because you're unable to do things we used to or be the person we used to be, that's hard enough for us to accept and adapt to nevermind folk who watch on. I really do pray everyday for all of us on this site, even if through tears and desperation but l won't let NHS negligence put me to despair enough to try end my life n end up in ICU as really couldn't live like this anymore that was while ago n it certainly wasn't a cry for help as l had drank enough morphine should have done the job n was found by accident. That is where pain and nhs untrue assumptions took me, as l isolated and hid my suffering but not anymore l am worth more than that so even though pain team boss Gilbert reviewed me over the PHONE? to treat my CRPS in 2009 lve had no help whatsoever but after losing my licence to drive have to move home as can hardly walk crps spreading n left with broken leg as told l was somatising (even though foot blue, ice cold but felt burning alive, no pulse gp could find, n l was in and still am in moon boot as bones crumbling n lost movement in ankle n foot (ankle dislocated 3 displaced fractures in leg bones) but ortho wrote l only had one wee fracture n made me walk on it all then he immigrated to Australia n everyone wrote l had mental health issues n catastrophising behaviour as she thinks her ankle was dislocated!!!?? The paramedic told my brother horrific as foot 180° everted dislocated foot backwards n bro saw it too and to make it worse even the A&E consultants wrote the had to reduce(turn round) my dislocted ankle, xray reports all this is true but still no one even new gp n 2nd ortho and 3rd ortho said wasn't n l was showing them evidence but wrote to gp l ALLEGEDLY​ claimed my injuries worse than were l had no dislocation or displacement fractures (no examinations just discharged me) urghhhh l am a qualified sports development n coach n physio with diploma in anatomy n physiology, massage and reflexology so l knew something seriously wrong but gp wouldn't refer me for private ortho so l saw a private physio l knew who wouldn't treat me as like me could see something seriously wrong so he referrred me to an ortho friend privately in Edin, he looked at same scan 4 nhs orthos looked at and told me l needed screws plates pins in leg and ankle surgery too (1n half years since injury Aug 2015) also op would be done in nhs Edin hosp planned for last Dec, but then an ortho from nhs wrote to him saying l have significant pain issues n also that l actually did have CRPS (ct scan in Feb 2016 reports bone changes are CRPS still fractured extensive periarticular osteoporosis among spurs n muchmore yet.... 3nhs orthos told me after that scan 'NO osteoporosis or CRPS (even though physios had been reporting it was to orthos gp and pain team but they all refused see me???) Also told me bones healed n discharged me??? Now they mucked up me getting help privately but as so severe CRPS by now and spread that leg bone still ununited n bones crumbling and l've been left to get on with it now along with everything else. So yes, l need to get all this out my head sometimes as nhs have ruined my life for past 12years n lm 45 n single not had kids as l can hardly look after myself l go from sofa to loo n thats it. No l'm not feeling sorry for myself, l feel sorry for people who actually do have mental health problems n get treated so abysmally or not even taken seriously if they do get sick or get injuries' as NHS treat you like dirt, no respect n l was even told by head nurse l was an inconvenience n even ignored buzzer as l needed a wee but after an hour l had no choice but wet bed n lie it until nurses came in, chucked my casted leg up in the air n gave me a lecture? Yep l just cried as l never pressed buzzer for anything. I better stop now, been doin this in shifts as fingers spasm n misbehave ha. Please don't struggle alone and please never give up, and never let anyone dismiss you because you have chronic pain. I will be getting lawyers as even been told to by recent gastroenterologist, psychologist etc as it's beyond comprehension how l've been treated by nhs they have caused more harm than helped. So sorry this has been about me but this lot isn't even touching the BS in my notes or mistakes, misdiagnoses etc in years n even my basic human rights. Got to stop, l was trying to help you but turned into a rant l am sorry but if l can't do it on here where can l let it out honestly n frankly as my mum dad siblings are all angry enough seeing the states n torture l go through without me losing it with frustration..... Besides STRESS is not good for us lot HaHa!!! All the best, and please don't be alone in this. God Bless. Deb x

in reply to ORXTEN

Are you in the UK John?

in reply to ORXTEN

Thank you

Hello Kat

I'm a blogger, writing about Horses, Health and Happiness. I find it hard to tell people about my pain but I try to balance the crap days with the good stuff, which involves trying to compete on my horse. At the moment I don't know if I will ever ride again but blogging is a good way to express myself.


katwilson04 profile image
katwilson04 in reply to

Great to hear Jo! I will go and find you now and give you a follow!

in reply to katwilson04

Back at ya!

Toplady profile image

Hi katwilson04, good to hear from you. I blog too, I find it very therapeutic to put my feelings and experiences down on "virtual" paper?

My blog is called TopladyTalks and you can find me at

I'm also on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram so my friends are well used to me having my say!

Be great to read other people's blogs who are going through the same things as me, thanks for posting! Xx

katwilson04 profile image
katwilson04 in reply to Toplady

Hi Toplady! Thanks for replying! Have just followed you on twitter and will check out your other profiles too!

RAYJAYC profile image


I've been contemplating writing a blog for a while but have no idea where or how to start! As I've now got a new laptop, I haven't really got an excuse to not start one so your post is spookily very timely!! Am interested in what I need to do first........ I'll take a look at some of the ones already posted on here to get a taster and see what happens!!


katwilson04 profile image
katwilson04 in reply to RAYJAYC

Good for you! I find it a great way to release some thoughts and share with the world! Be sure to come back and share your blogging link!

katwilson04 profile image

Looking forward to it! Come back with the link and I'll be sure to follow!

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