Happy New Year everyone. It was an interesting end of 2016 I went for another round of injections into my back. Because the injections don't seem to be giving me the relief I need they said I will not be a candidate for a ryzotomie ( spelling bad ) . Doc told me there was nothing more they can do for me and when I asked what should I do about it he said live with it !! The same way a person with diebeatis does. ( am not down sizing this serious desease ) Like I haven't been living with it since I was 19 yrs old ( 31 yrs ) Then he decided he would do both sides instead of just doing one. I guess I had bad referral pain down my right side this time and all he said isn't it interesting how referral pain works. ( not sure what he ment ) This pain happened when he injected the left side. So I asked them about trying marijuana and the nurse said they have several patiences that have tried it and some get relief some don't , it is legal here in Canada but I was wondering if anyone here has tried this and has it helped. Thanks for any replies.
Sorry for bad spelling