Please could anyone help me and tell me if you get pins and needles in both arms,I'm worried
Pins and needles in both arms: Please could... - Pain Concern
Pins and needles in both arms

ALL THE TIME! Are your hands affected?
Possibly B12 deficiency, see a list of other possible symptoms on my blog here if you have others its likely a B12 deficiency even if your blood work comes back 'normal'
Pins and Needles are classic signs of B12 Deficiency, though many report it in Low Thyroid (Hypothyroidism) or you can have both B12D and Hypothyroidism together, they can go hand in hand.
My own Tinglings down my arms and in my hands and all over fibromyalgia type pains went after I was (finally,) optimally medicated with Thyroid Hormone Medication.
An idea to get both vitamin B12 and Thyroid panel bloods done, ask for a printout of your bloods and their ranges and pop your results up on both the B12 Deficiency forum (which is actually called (PAS) 'Pernicious Anemia Society' on here Health Unlocked and also Thyroid UK (forum site on HU) for members to comment on your results, Doctors are well known for missing or over looking both these patients.
If your are told your bloods are 'NORMAL' yet still have the Pins and Needles don't accept 'NORMAL' do the homework yourself. Both Forum sites are very helpful.
Not saying this is what you actually have though, Mysticc.
An idea to ask for TSH, FT4 and FT3, Vitamin D, iron, ferritin, folate and both Thyroid antibodies bloods too, for a full picture.
This sounds like the discs in you neck are pressing on a nerve. B
Great suggestion above. Longshot; if not any of the above, get checked for carpal tunnel syndrome.
Hi Mysticc. I do get numb arms during the night. Generally one or the other but seldom both. It wakes me up as strange intense pain at first or complete numbness then have to keep clenching my fists to get circulation going then goes to pins and needles then intense burning until finally all back to norm. Doesn't happen during day. Only at night in bed and I am aware when I wake with it that my hands are resting ontop of me and not tucked under me which wld, of course explain the lack of circulation. Re: another reply u had - it is highly possible you have Carpel Tunnel Syndrome which you wld need your Dr to confirm. It is very easy to diagnose purely by the Dr pressing on a certain area of your wrist. If that was the cause he wld probably suggest the use of wrist splints. But and I can't say this strongly enough, you must see your Dr for a proper diagnosis. Surgery is an option for C.T.S but my Dr has said it is particularly nastt operation and very painful recovery - I have been diagnosed with it. However I am not convinced I have this or if I do then it is a very mild case as sufferers tend to be in quite alot of pain/discomfort frequently whereas I only really suffer at night. As I have C.O.P.D anfmd cysts etc on my lungs I am leaning more towards the fact that in my case it's due to circulation. As insufficent oxygen getting round body. Anyway, sorry to go in but just to say pls donot suffer with it. Just ask your Dr if he thinks it's possible you're suffering with C.T.Syndrome. I really hope you get a diagnosis v.soon as can imagine it's miserable for u to cope with. Good Luck and Healing hugs. Elle-kaye. xx