Saturday night I came down with a nasty cold. I sneezed 3 different times 1 time each in about an hour. The 2nd sneeze something popped in my neck/skull base but felt no pain. 3rd sneeze, the same thing happened but immediately got a headache, my teeth started to hurt, jaw started to hurt, back of my head started to hurt, both sides of my neck started to hurt. Turning my head caused a headache. I was able to go to sleep that night and Sunday night but Monday night all these symptoms came back just as bad. Monday night(last night) I woke up about 5 times from a halo type headache and I could not turn my head without causing the headache to flare up worst than it was and it was hard to move my head, as if it was in a tight neck brace or wrap. Turning my head now, or leaning it to either side causes the whole back of my head to get a headache, with the right side causing more pain. I have never had this pain or headaches or symptoms before in my almost 29 years on this Earth from sneezing, coughing, or the 2 car accidents I have been in. It feels almost as if the pain gets higher up the back of my head as days go on. I would go get it checked but I am still waiting for my insurance to kick in from my new job.
The cold was a sinus infection and have been on antibiotics since Monday morning. Not my first rodeo with one either. I have chronic sinusitis and still have never felt this pain before.
Thank you!