Back pain for a month now.: So I'm 19 and I... - Pain Concern

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Back pain for a month now.

Chelsea18 profile image
13 Replies

So I'm 19 and I have scoliosis. I was diagnosed with it at 14. I've been having a lot of back pain. I've had my back lock and I couldn't breathe. If I stand for awhile it hurts. When I sit in the floor for too long also triggers it to. I've tried everything I can think of. I don't know if it's getting worse. When I was 7 I had fallen off my bunk bed and landed on one of the drawers that come out. I landed on the edge of the drawer on my back. I don't know if that could have some part of the pain, now. My skeletol structure is not correct either. One leg is shorter than the other. My pelvic bones are curved up and my shoulder blades are not lined up either. I feel like it is but, if there's anyway I could get some help. I'd really appreciate it.

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Chelsea18 profile image
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13 Replies
Redhots7 profile image

You need to see orthopedic doc !😘


First of all I'm so sorry that you are dealing with back issues already. From experience I can say it just plain bites.

I have degenerative disc disease, scoliosis, and only three discs from top to bottom are somewhat normal.

First of all Sweetie, everyone has one leg that is longer than the other. Please don't think I am trying to diminish your issues cuz that is not my intention. I only mention it because doctors can get hung up on technicalities and not hear you.

Have you had an MRI or CT Scan? Iif not, you need to start there. That way you can begin addressing the issues one at a time. It will be like peeling onions. You get a issue dealt with an suddenly it has uncovered 2 more. Keep at it. Eventually you will get to a point that you can at least function.

If your current Doc won't listen to you, find another. It took me nearly 5 years to find a Doc that believed me when I said my chronic migraines were being caused by my neck. I pray your efforts will be much faster.

Also while you are going thru this they should be helping you with the pain. There is no reason why you should have to suffer while the Doc's office is trying to diagnose. Not sure where you are but if you can get to Madison, Dr. David Bryce at Advanced Pain Mgt is the only Doc I ever see for pain.

The 2 most important things here are basically, listen to your body so you can help with you own diagnosis. If it sounds wrong it probably is wrong. The second is keep telling your Docs until they actually listen.

I wish you the very best of luck!!


Chelsea18 profile image
Chelsea18 in reply to

I've not gone to the doc for any of this. I'm trying not to jump to the doctors when I have pain. I've been laying on a heating pad and taking medicine. I've been to a scoliosis doc and they said there isn't much they can do. My mom is thinking if it's not stopping the only thing that they can do is surgery(which I'm trying not to have if I need it) which of course I said that I'll take a back brace instead to my mom.

Chelsea18 profile image
Chelsea18 in reply to Chelsea18

I ment to put that I had been to a scoliosis doc. A year or 2 ago.

in reply to Chelsea18

I totally understand trying to avoid the doctor if at all possible. But when you get to the point where the pain takes over and invades every aspect of your life it's time to try something different. Please don't let this go so long that depression sets in. Long term pain can take over.

I'm not saying pain management is the answer but they can help by everything from non-invasive procedures to provide temporary relief, get you in contact with support groups, physical therapy, help you to get the right kind of brace, as well as (and I know you're trying to avoid) medications etc.

One of my most effective tools is a non-narcotic cream that gives me relief in less then 10 minutes and can last for a few hours.

I truly wish you the very best of luck. It seems as if you're making sound, conscientious decisions. I also believe that putting off surgery as long as humanly possible is good too. For me, I got to a point where something had to change because my whole life was wrapped up in my pain. Getting back the ability to take the kids to the park and cook a meal by myself was the best thing for me. I pray you will find what is best for you!!

Good luck!!!

Boozybird profile image

You need help with this problem. Is there someone who is helping you? Parents, GP, specialist? Check out things on the Internet? Not all of it is good but I think this method has a good reputation:

Let us know how you get on? 😜

Chelsea18 profile image
Chelsea18 in reply to Boozybird

I've not been to the doc. I don't want to jump to the doc when I have pain. I've been doing things at home to relieve some of the pain. I'm just afraid that they'll tell me something I don't want to here. Like if I need surgery, which I don't want.

Boozybird profile image
Boozybird in reply to Chelsea18

Hi Chelsea, if you haven't been to the doc, who diagnosed you with scoliosis in the first place? This is not something that is going to disappear with heat pads unfortunately, but there are things that can be done to help with the compensations taking place in your muscle system which is now causing pain... you are young which is good news and if you can find a skilled physical therapist who has experience with scoliosis then there is a good chance to improve the pain. Either way, you will need to take action now because this problem needs professional help... :)

Chelsea18 profile image
Chelsea18 in reply to Boozybird

I ment to put that I had been to a scoliosis doc. A year or 2 ago

Boozybird profile image
Boozybird in reply to Chelsea18

Please get professional help for this problem. Start with a physical therapist if you are scared of the doctor. Let us know how you are getting on Chelsea? ;)

Chelsea18 profile image

I'm trying to do other things before going to the doc. I don't want to jump when I have pain. I want to try other solutions before going to my GP.

Hardey_Leone profile image

I'm so sorry to hear about your pain. I'm in lots of pain too and I have strong meds.

I just hope you are able to think in new ways to cope. Learning to relax helps but it's not easy! Wishing you well.

Sorohan profile image

Chelsea ask your Doctor to refer you to a physio tharpist

Hope it helps

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