Does a nerve block help with symptoms of burning in feet? Any other methods people have found helpful for burning feet?
Burning feet: Does a nerve block help with... - Pain Concern
Burning feet

Try running under cold water. Is it bothersome when you are really overexerted or is it a "normal" occurrence?
I've had this problem for years and the doctor couldn't decide what the cause was. Since having a nerve block (neck not back) they're just the same I'm afraid. I was recommended a spray from Body Care (a cheap beauty shop if you haven't heard of it!) which contained mint and menthol and by God it helps! May be worth a try getting hold of something similar.

Ask your doctor to send you for a full blood test as it shows your B12 level which we need to take for our neurological side, which can cause burning feet to the point were you cant walk, as i had that and they found in hospital i was very low on B12 which we all get b12 from red meats and dairy products, and if you do not eat a lot of these foods you can over the years become deficient which can cause a lot of problems alongside with sore mouths , bleeding gums,palpitations in your chest etc etc. Type in symptoms of B12 deficiency.. If you do have this you will be put on injections once every 3 months for life or until your levels are normal again.. It will put all of your problems back to normal again unless you have been B12 deficient for to many years, especially concerning your feet, then unfortunately with some people your feet will stay the same, like mine have, i have now neuropathy in both feet and left leg, caused by being low in B12, and not from being a diabetic, which they thought that first.. fortunately it is only minor , but very painful to the point were i have trouble walking.
My doctor was treating me for something else, a lot of doctors do not think of this...........which is why i have suffered for a few years now, it was only because i was in hospital for a hysterectomy that they gave me a full blood test that it was found, as i was very poorly after the operation, as i shouldn't have had surgery until my B12 was back to normal.
Anyway i hope this has helped you some.
Oh do not need to have all the symptoms, every one is different
Take care
west midlands.
Hi and thanks. I recently had bloods taken anyway and it didn't show up. My dad had B12 injections 6 monthly when he was diagnosed with porphyria in 2001 and then finally pancreatic cancer in 2009. I don't think in my case this is the problem, I have none of the symptoms but thank you.
please do be cautious about this symptom...and discuss it with your drs
i've been managing burning feet & hands for years now, due to simultaneous erythromelalgia & raynauds. i've had plenty of nerve blocks over the years, and spinal facet joint denervations (all very effective) but these haven't helped my burning fact, i've heard that sometimes having nerve blocks can bring on burning symptoms.
anyway, my drs think my burning stuff is secondary to my infant onset systemic lupus. i could go on & on with tips re how to manage burning....but perhaps the best thing is to suggest you visit this facebook link (even if you don't actually have EM (erythromelalgia), the tips you can get at this link from those who do have EM and have 'tried it all' could make a big diff for you):
The Erythromelalgia Association | Facebook
The Erythromelalgia Association (TEA) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to raising awareness of and educating about erythromelalgia,.
after years coping, my fav methods include making sure i can sleep with my bare feet & hands sticking out of the bedding...and i wear vvvv thin socks all year round except when raynauds is at its worst, but even then i have to change into thin socks several times during the day.. also i take extra good care of my feet, inc a monthly visit to the podiatry nurse for removal of any hard skin etc...and i slather on shea butter moisturiser daily. bathing in cool water is helpful, but i've been advised NEVER to soak burning feet in cold water...i forget why this is important (the gang on facebook will be able to explain)
wishing you all the best with this (apologies if you know all this already)
I have Peripheral Neuropathy and have burning feet and/or pins and needles for ages (I also have a burning in my thigh too at times) I use Vicks Vaporub on it. A little massaged into my feet. Within 20 minutes I feel it working.
Does it work well for you?
Yes it is the only thing I found works. I live in the UK and the doctors in my surgery don't understand Peripheral Neuropathy, and I'd go as far to say they don't even try to understand. My neurologist adjusts my medication. But Vicks works by scrabbling the information as it tingles on the skin but not irritating like pins & needles. It is worth it to get away from that. The Peripheral Neuropathy gives me a burning pain in my thigh, it feels like sunburn under the skin but comes in flashes, and it helps that too. My Neurologist never heard of using Vicks but he has noted it for other patients to try xx
Similar to the mint/menthol spray I've used! Must be the coolness of the ingredients.
the only thing that helps me is pregabalin.i tried gabapentin but it was no help
hope your feeling better and got some useful information on this site? I found it quite helpful but sometimes to many people with different views & advice could leave you more confused, if you know what I mean. Again, I had the burning feet etc, but at the moment it's no good giving you my diagnosis because it would confuse you even more.
Hopefully by now you have a full diagnosis and getting the treatment you need?
It's great on this site if you have the same problem with other people because they know what your going through and you can get to know different people on here and you don't feel so quite alone.
Your the first person that's actually following me so it's nice to meet you. Another person on here, I think she is either a doctor or just a generally a very nice person that you can air and share your fears. Her name is Kerstin, please forgive me as I've completely forgot what country she is from, but she is great.
I hope to catch up with you at some, and you can tell me how your getting along.
Take care,
Tina (London), England.