And so the merry go round continues.My knee was still bad this morning so went back to see doctor who did the injection last week.He doesn't recommend keyhole surgery as the result is not always successful and I also have my lower back pain that would make me very unsteady on crutches.He is writing a letter to my GP for a referral for an assessment of my back and to get physio and possibly pain management clinic. I have been in pain for 8 months and last week had my work contract terminated due to my on going health problems.Can anyone else who has problems with 2 areas of the body aggravating one another tell me what you found helpful as I am sick and tired of this now which makes me feel more anxious and depressed about the future
Update: And so the merry go round continues.My... - Pain Concern

Hi poppyb62
So sorry to hear of your ongoing knee probz. I have just been to my doc about my knee which I fell onto 3 weeks ago. I have osteoarthritis in it but ortho consultant refused to operate on it (despite MRI showing significant wear and tear) unless I lost weight. This was 3 yrs ago. I had injections but they don't last long for me. Like you, my back has also suffered due to walking, sitting and sleeping awkwardly to compensate for the knee pain. My gp reckons physio for the back and knee will help till I lose weight. I am sorry you lost your job. How rotten people are that don't understand our problems. I feel my knee impedes my back recovery and my back impedes the knee!! Vicious circle isn't it? I too am being referred to pain clinic. Let me know how you get on. Thinking good things for you.

Hi md nice to hear from a fellow sufferer who has such similar problems.My consultant today didn't want to operate as it would make walking impossible.Work had been very helpful but as I have no idea how long if ever I could return to my job we mutually agreed to terminate my contract.Although I have been off work for 6 months it has hit me really hard this week knowing it might not get any better than this for the rest of my life. Hope you get some help at the pain clinic.I have found the support and advice from fellow sufferers on this site makes me feel less lonely and hopeless.keep in touch and good luck x
Hi Poppy, sorry to hear about your knee. It's terrible that you've waited for good quality treatment for 8 months! That's how intractable pain problems occur in my view but you're here your knee swollen? If not then cycling might just be possible for you. Australian studies have shown that it has just as good an outcome as surgery and better than any other form of exercise... You'll think me daft for suggesting it I'm sure coz when we're in pain the last thing we want to do is move! But if we don't move the tissues can get stuck and the problem gets worse. Cycling is less load. Your back will cope too as long as you go gently. Pace yourself. No hills and try to see that your knees are facing ahead not turned in towards each other... Get pain killers before or after and experiment. If knee is swollen then it's a whole different ball game and I guess you'll have to wait for pain clinic/ Physio. Best wishes
Hi poppyb62,
I'm so sorry you have had such problems - it's very very hard.
I too have multiple pain conditions that affect each other - neck, shoulder, ribs, lumbar spine and SI joint.
I have had really good support from an excellent osteopath. She has supported with stabilising my body and correcting all the spasm and compensating our bodies do when trying to move away from the pain. She has taught me very gentle Pilates exercises also which are manageable for my body but help with strengthening the muscles.
If you decide to go down this route, really check that the osteopath you go to is very well qualified. Check out with The British School of Osteopathy that the person you are considering is fully qualified and senior.
I wish you all the very best
Ohh dear, Its really very sad to hear that you are bearing pain from last 8 months and due to the health problem, you had to terminate your work contract which is also very sad, it means that your health is also affecting your work which also have a direct impact on your personal life, so please don't make any further delay and consult a specialist orthopedic surgeon.
ohoo that is really sad, You must look for the local physician.