I fell about 2 weeks ago and lately, my wrist has been hurting and I had a x-ray today but it shows no fracture? Could it be scaphoid fracture?
Wrist hurting : I fell about 2 weeks ago and... - Pain Concern
Wrist hurting

Could be you hurt tendons or ligaments when you fell. I have done this and it hurt lots. Wore a strapping for some weeks after. Can take some time to heal.
The Scaphoid is a small bone in the wrist, it is hard to see and it has a very restricted blood supply.
Generally damage to this fine bone is caused when the wrist is pushed up and back and a fall could be the cause.
Have they looked at this bone/tendon or has the Specialist suggested the problem. The Scaphiod can take about six weeks to heal and generally it would cause pain for an extended period afterwards They used to plaster the wrist for about six weeks.
Possibly this may not show on XRAY although you could also have torn tendons etc that would not show up
Sometimes if they think the Scaphoid is damaged a Ultra Sound Scan can show up the problem
Good Luck

No they didn't say anything about the tendon that's why I'm worried and in scared of the consequences it might cause in the future. But thank you for the info!!
It could be, but chances are that even if it was, by now they wouldn't bother doing anything much with it, except put a support bandage on. Try buying one of those neoprene wrist supports from the chemist and see if that relieves it a bit. If nothing is showing up on xray then the good news is that there isn't going to be any bony damage that would cause problems, and it almost certainly won't damage it to keep moving the wrist, so its just going to take time to heal.
I had exactly the same thing happen, and while they did do another xray a few days later that showed the crack, they didn't plaster it or anything. If it ever happened again I don't think I'd bother getting the second xray as its just more unnecessary radiation (which accumulates in your body).
I didn't know that the radiation accumulates in your body I've had about 60+ x-rays since I turned 18 and I'm now 23 the x-rays for all different body parts though due to different injuries, think I might think twice about going a&e if I can help it and I know it's not broke.
I was so scared that it might have been broken but phew you comforted me that fact that it isn't! Rest well and take care!
The problem with this bone is the restricted blood supply, so it can take a while too heal.
I broke mine way back in 76 when I was involved in a motorbike accident. It is such a weak thing that it can break easy
If worried have a further chat with your GP and He will advise as I am no Doctor
Radiation is definitely cumulative, and all xrays have different amounts of radiation. CT scans really have a lot (about the same as 200 xrays) . Its hard to say what a "safe" amount of radiation is, but my philosophy is that if at all possible I will avoid xrays, and save up my radiation "allowance" for if I ever need a CT scan, or need xrays for something really important. I think at your age it is particularly important to avoid unnecessary radiation, though bearing in mind that sometimes it really is important to see what is going on with xrays. If an xray is suggested, I always ask if there is another form of imaging that would show up what they are looking for (like ultrasound or MRI) as well. My GP is fairly on the ball with avoiding radiation and won't request xrays at the drop of a hat like some doctors do.
That's shocking to be honest, since my traumatic brain injury in 2011 (I had just turned 19) I've had 2 CT scans, 2 MRIs another MRI for my wrist, and a few x-rays (the day of my accident) as far as I got told of the neurologist who I saw last month and am going again on the 19th march for another MRI scan on my head due to the large amount of brain injuries I've sustained in such a short time (6 in less than 4 years well more like 3 and a half years) think I will definitely avoid x-rays in future if I can help it, so thank you for informing me of this it really is helpful,
Take care,
siobhan x
I've broke my scaphoid bone 3 times but I have also sprained my wrist 4 times and to be honest it hurt more when I sprained my wrist, it doesn't look like it's broke but I'm no x-ray technician, the last time it took about a month to heal but the time before it took 2 months to heal for the sprain, but the doctor said the more you sprain your wrist the longer it will take to heal but on average a sprain will heal within anywhere from 1 week to 1 month for a simple sprain,
I would suggest like earthwitch has said about a neosprone bandage but also use the R.I.C.E. method it stands for Rest (the limb from further damage if you can not then limit the use of that limb until it has healed), Ice (10minutes on and 10 minutes off for about 3-4 hours if you haven't got that amount of time do it for an hour or two, this is to just help the swelling if there is swelling and pain), Compression (the bandage), Elevation (doctor's say lift it above your heart to stop any unnecessary swelling and to reduce any swelling there may be),
Hope this helps.
Scaphoid fractures, almost impossible to see on X ray, and very painful, the only sure fire way to know is to have another X ray in two-three weeks, if a callous has formed it was fracture if not, then it wasn't, it depends on where you are in the country whether or not they will put a pot on it, I would be tempted to buy a semi rigid wrist support to protect the area and allow it to heal, but take it off at night. The only draw back is your wrist may well feel stiff afterwards. I hope you get some relief soon, don't be afraid to go back if it is very painful.

Thank you so much for your suggestion though, I think I will see how it goes in the next few weeks!
Hi there, I broke my scaphoid when I was 20 and am now 47 and it took them a long time to say I'd broken it and it had been so painful . I was told them that I would always have trouble with it and yes I do. If I try an open a new jar from the pantry it feels as if it's breaking it all over again.
I'm no expert but it looks like a tiny line on the scaphoid.
Go to a good physio and get there opinion , I used a wrist brace for years and still somtimes. It's worth it. It never stopped me doing anything I would modify or wrap my wrist. I was a bootcamp instructor for over five years and was doing lots on it everyday.
You'll be fine , just be careful.
The bone is not shown on the XRAY, although not a GP etc. To see the bone it is in a position not shown above.

So which means the bone is alright?
Cannot see it, so I do not know, only the hospital or GP can answer that.
All the very best