Hi everyone, this is my second post and I was wondering if any one had any suggestions on how to tackle extreme drowsiness/tiredness as a result of meds. I'm presently in 90mg Duloxetine, 10mg Amateyptilibe and etoricoxib daily. I eat a healthy diet, drink water and exercise as my pain allows.
Drowsiness: Hi everyone, this is my second post... - Pain Concern

The problem with medication is that they all have side effects. I came off most of mine because my life had stopped due to feeling heavy headed and groggy. I couldn't even speak without getting my words twisted. I only take tramadol now which does make me tired so i try and have a nap in the day or have an early night. I don't sleep well at night due to pain and have tried taking amitriptylin in the past but i can't function in the day so i just struggle on without. I try and get plenty of fresh air to keep me awake but at least i have my life back to a degree. I only work a few hours a week but i still like to be in control of what I'm doing. I will do anything to keep my mind off the pain and try to be doing something all the time. Some days are easier than others but it's better than being a depressed zombie. Other than that i dont know what else to suggest. You just need to try a few things to see what works best for you before you get badly depressed as feeling tired all the time will drag you down. X
I'm not familiar with your drugs but have similar problems. I try to keep drowsy drugs to lower level to keep going, but I can tolerate some pain well and would not recommend this for others, but...
I time taking doses, especially having the first morning pain relief at about five so I can try to get another hours sleep before facing day and sitting up. Keep distracted. Set activity list before day so you don't accidentally 'switch off' computers are useful for that even if silly games used as refocus. I do have high dose caffeine pills , none prescription, for times when I have to increase pain drugs and manage a waking day.
However, I agree with above reply that this long term zombieing can be very detrimental, do talk to gp and juggle drugs to meet needs. You're not alone, just living forty shades of greyness
I wonder if anyone has tried a prescription (made by a compounding pharmacy) or OTC pain cream (like Topricin from Amazon.com)? I have had good results with this - not perfect, but anything is better than being "brain dead" which is what I felt like on tramadol.
Pain Clinic - ask for a referral and then when you get there ask them how you can manage taking the least amount of meds and getting the best result from them. It could be as simple as adjusting the timing of your meds, or separating them out so you take some things regularly then have something else available for breakthrough pain. You could also ask about non-medicine pain relief like acupuncture, TENS machines, etc. I've found pain clinic really useful for getting the best out of my meds with the least side effects.